I read it's not possible, is it?

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I read it's not possible, is it?

Did you actually read it closely?

Since you didn't understand what was in the link.

Then try this Mod Rewrite Generator:


If you don't know how to used that either than I don't know what else to tell you.


RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^\?id\=comments$ /#comments [L]

should be ok? anyway, not working.

Anchor is not working

Member Avatar for LastMitch


should be ok? anyway, not working.

May I ask what is the issue?

You are getting close to the answer just missing some slashes.

It's not that hard to used the Mod Rewrite Generator

Did you try the link:


For example:
I've got 3 tabs with Jquery.
index video comments

every tab runs as http://site.com/#index / #video / #comments
I'm trying to swap that # tag to ?id=

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^\?id\=comments$ /#comments [L]

Does work except when, for example, i'm trying to access #comments tab via ?id=comments
it wont go there, just says at index page.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I've got 3 tabs with Jquery.

You never mention this at the beginning.

I assume something similiar to this


it wont go there, just says at index page.

That's Correct because it's the index page!

You can't used Jquery tabs as individual pages to Mod Rewrite because it's only 1 page!

The Mod Rewrite is for actually pages not sections. Jquery Tabs are sections! You can used it as a Menu tab or sections.

commented: Cheers mate +0
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