
I am trying to create horizontal scroll and I wonder why it doesn't work.


<div style="width: 15px; overflow-x: scroll;">

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You will need to wrap "HALLO" in an element (paragraph or so) and give that element a width in order to force a scrollbar. You probably also need to make that div wider then 15px... It's too narrow for a scrollbar anyway and you might need more content


<div style="width: 150px; overflow-x: scroll;"> /* 'overflow-x: auto' might be better */
    <p style="width: 3000px">The point of this page is to test whether today's browsers will download stylesheets that are referenced with media queries that would not apply on that browser or device.</p>

This is the actual that I am trying to create a scroll bar for a limited width:


<div style="width: 1700px; overflow-x: scroll;"> 
        <table style="margin: 50px 0 0 -360px; position: relative;" id="admintable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
        <th style="width: 300px"><center>image</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>minwidth</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>maxwidth</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>minheight</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>maxheight</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>location</center><th><center>image_bn</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>minwidth_bn</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>maxwidth_bn</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>minheight_bn</center></th><th style="width: 80px"><center>maxheight_bn</center></th><th><center>location_bn</center></th>
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
        //echo "<tr bgcolor='$result2'>"; 
        //echo '<td>'.$data['page'].'</td>';
        //echo "<td><a href='post.php?post_id=".$data['post_ID']."'><img src='../images/post.jpg'></a></td>";
        //echo '</tr>'; 
        echo "<tr bgcolor='$result2'>"; 
        echo '<td><a href="update_image2.php?image_id='.$data['image_id'].'"><img src="images/'.$data['newfilename'].'" height="100"></a></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 -10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['minwidth'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['maxwidth'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['minheight'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 20px; position: absolute;">'.$data['maxheight'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['location'].'</div></td>';
        echo '<td><a href="update_image2.php?image_id='.$data['image_id'].'"><img src="images/'.$data['newfilename'].'" height="100"></a></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 -10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['minwidth'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['maxwidth'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['minheight'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 20px; position: absolute;">'.$data['maxheight'].'px</div></td>';
        echo '<td><div style="margin: -40px 0 0 10px; position: absolute;">'.$data['location'].'</div></td>';
        echo '</div></tr>'; 

I wonder the horizontal scroll bar does not appears. I can limit the table width but the horizontal scroll bar does not appears as I expect to.

If you give the tabel a width that's higher then the 1700px of the div, you will get a scrollbar.

Here's your code with a table width of 3000px (I left the PHP stuff out):

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