Hey guys - please bear with me. i know a lil bit but am not expert!

anyways, i have page with an iframe. It's working fine but i have a secure website that i need to open inside the iframe & it wont do it. Keeps reverting to a new window. Have tried changing the targets but it doesn't work. Have also tried naming the iframe & link but still not working. Anyone got any ideas?

awww no-one has any ideas?

No. :)

What's your URL of the page you are working on? Maybe we can play with it and see what's going on.

No. :)

What's your URL of the page you are working on? Maybe we can play with it and see what's going on.

Thanks Stymiee :-)

it's for our web based system but the web page I'm trying to load into the iframe is https://firepass.optimation.co.nz/my.logon.php3


What is the url of the page that is calling the iframe?

well it's not a published url. we have a web based system at work and i'm doing the scripting for it. I can post the html written so far if you like?? it's just that it's a lot.

That would be fine.

this is the bit that i'm using to get to the web page if it helps (told u i'm not advanced ;-)

[<p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="https://firepass.optimation.co.nz"><font face="Verdana" color="#0000FF" size="2"><strong>Log Internal Optimation
Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/LightScratches.txt"></a></p>


the whole page though its as follows....

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

  <meta content="Evrsoft First Page" name="GENERATOR">
<style type="text/css">
#tablist {
#tablist LI {
    DISPLAY: inline; MARGIN: 0px; LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none
#tablist LI A {
    BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.5em; BORDER-TOP: #000000 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 0.5em; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 1px; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #000000; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-LEFT: 3px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 3px
#tablist LI A:link {
    COLOR: black
#tablist LI A:visited {
    COLOR: black
#tablist LI A:hover {
#tablist LI A.current {
    BACKGROUND: #ffffff
<script type="text/javascript">

* Tabbed Document Viewer script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ([url]www.dynamicdrive.com[/url])
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Dynamic Drive at [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/[/url] for full source code

var selectedtablink=""
var tcischecked=false

function handlelink(aobject){
tcischecked=(document.tabcontrol && document.tabcontrol.tabcheck.checked)? true : false
if (document.getElementById && !tcischecked){
var tabobj=document.getElementById("tablist")
var tabobjlinks=tabobj.getElementsByTagName("A")
for (i=0; i<tabobjlinks.length; i++)
return false
return true

function handleview(){
if (document.getElementById && tcischecked){
if (selectedtablink!="")

  <table style="WIDTH: 893px; HEIGHT: 485px">
        <td width="224">
          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="https://firepass.optimation.co.nz"><font face="Verdana" color="#0000FF" size="2"><strong>Log Internal Optimation
          Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/LightScratches.txt"></a></p>

          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="https://www.bugtrack.net/secure/default.aspx?license=6C008F8EF9584B508547766AB89BA90F"><font face="Verdana"
          color="#0000FF" size="2"><strong>Log HiTech Portal Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href=

          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/Cracks.html"><font face="Verdana" color="#0000FF" size="2"><strong>Log
          Telecom/EDS Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/LightScratches.txt"></a></p>

          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="https://www.bugtrack.net/secure/default.aspx?license=6C008F8EF9584B508547766AB89BA90F"><font face="Verdana"
          color="#0000FF" size="2"><strong>Log ANZ/National Bank Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href=

          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/Scratches.html"><font face="Verdana" color="#0000FF" size=
          "2"><strong>Log Genesis Energy Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/LightScratches.txt"></a></p>

          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/Scratches.html"><font face="Verdana" color="#0000FF" size=
          "2"><strong>Log Meridian Call</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/LightScratches.txt"></a></p>

          <p align="center"><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/Scratches.html"><font face="Verdana" color="#0000FF" size=
          "2"><strong>ALL OTHER CALLS</strong></font></a><a class="current" onclick="return handlelink(this)" href="//Remedy/tcm/Internet/Scripts/08002FixIt/LightScratches.txt"></a></p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

          <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

        <td width="1191"><iframe id="tabiframe" style="WIDTH: 99.2%; HEIGHT: 522px" name="tabiframe" src="G:/Gareth/TCM%20BANNERS/08002fixit.gif" frameborder="0" width="98%" scrolling="no" height=

  <ul id="tablist"></ul>

  <form id="tabcontrol" style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px" name="tabcontrol">
    <font color="#FFFFFF"><input onclick="handleview()" type="checkbox" name="tabcheck"> Open tab links in browser window instead.</font>

am i posting it correctly? it should have those square brackets around it right?

You'll want to use [ html ] [ /html ] to post your code (without the spaces).

I'm not sure where you are trying to include that page. I only see one iframe and it is calling an image.

The web page i'm trying to get to is in the first part of the table (above). If you throw the html above into a web editor (like firstpage or dreamweaver) you can have a look at the preview & see my predicament. I've just been told by a colleague that it has something to do with the SSI Security Encoding or something & that i need a piece of script to counteract it. As u can see I dont know enuff to write my own. Am using scripts off dynamic drive lol :-)

I see your problem, but am not sure if it can be countered.

The problem is not with your code, but appears to be on the page that is being called.

My guess is that the OnLoad function on the SSL page is causing the form to show up in a new window.

hey thanks for that. Yeah a colleague has told me that something to do with the page i'm trying to call is causing it. Apparently there's a script to counter it but I have no idea what it's called or how to find it.

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