I need some help and assistance with my myspace div, i currently generated my div from bbzspace.com which uses CSS although im rather new.
I can't seem to get a code allowing my profile image to be displayed that myspace uses, also were I would place the code. Heres my Div Overlay:


bbz Overlay Model Generator v0.5
bbzSpace dot com

<style type="text/css">
body {background-color:000033; background-image:url("http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/12/6/473635/Pictures/Uchiha%20Itachi%20Rain.jpg"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center right; background-attachment:fixed;}
td, .text, div, input {color:cccccc !important;}
a {color:ffffff !important;} img {border:0px;}
table, tr, td {background:transparent; border:0px;}
img, .contactTable { display:none; }
.bbzContainer img, .comt img { display:inline; }
table div, td td td, table div div { visibility:hidden; }
font, a, .bbzsc a { visibility:hidden; }
marquee, a.navbar { visibility:visible !important; }

.bbzComment { This is where you control the position of the player. }
table table embed {display:block; width:202px; height:35px; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; visibility:visible;}
table table table embed, .bbzContainer div embed {position:static !important; width:auto; height:auto; }
.text, table table table table a,
table table table table div,table table table table div a {visibility:visible;}
.bbzComment { You selected to show comments. }
.bbzsc { visibility:hidden; }
.herpe { You selected to show friends. }
.comt td, .comt table{width:0px!important; height:0px!important; background-color:transparent!important; border:0px!important; _padding:2px!important;} .comt, .comt td, .comt table, .comt td a img, .comt td td td a, .comt td b a, .comt td .redlink{visibility:visible;} .comt td td td b{top:0px; display:inline;} .comt .orangetext15{display:none;} .comt td b, .blacktext10 {display:block;} .comt table, .comt td b, .comt .btext, .redlink{position:relative; top:-9px;} .comt {z-index:7;}
.herpe { This is where you control your top8 and comment position. }
.comt {
visibility: visible; position:absolute; left:50%; top:0%; overflow:none; width:520px; height:890px;
border:4px ridge; border-color:000066;
margin-top:1000px; margin-left:-400px; background-color:black;
.comt span, .comt b {color:cccccc !important; visibility:visible !important; display:inline !important; }
.comt table { width:400px !important; }
.comt table table { width:0px !important; }
.blacktext10 { width:350px; display:block; }
.comt a, .comt font, .comt span { visibility:visible !important; }

.div3 {
background-color:black; color:cccccc;
border:4px ridge; border-color:000066;
width:250px; height:285px; overflow:auto;
position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%;
margin-left:-125px; margin-top:200px; text-align:center;

.div0 {
background-color:black; color:cccccc;
border:4px ridge; border-color:000066;
width:250px; height:285px; overflow:auto;
position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%;
margin-left:-125px; margin-top:515px; text-align:center;

.div1 {
background-color:black; color:cccccc;
border:4px ridge; border-color:000066;
width:250px; height:600px; overflow:auto;
position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%;
margin-left:-400px; margin-top:200px; text-align:center;

.div2 {
background-color:black; color:cccccc;
border:4px ridge; border-color:000066;
width:250px; height:600px; overflow:auto;
position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%;
margin-left:150px; margin-top:200px; text-align:center;
marquee { z-index:8; }
table div, span, td td td, table div div { visibility:hidden !important; }
.bbzContainer div, .bbzContainer div font, .bbzContainer div a, .bbzContainer div div, .bbzContainer font a, .bbzContainer span, .bbzContainer div table a, .bbzContainer div table img, .bbzContainer div table font, .bbzContainer div table, .bbzContainer div table td, .comt, .comt td, .comt span, .comt a, .comt div {visibility:visible !important;}

.bbzDiv {content:"Overlay Generator beta";}
<div style="display:none;"><table><tr><td><table><tr><td><table><tr><td>

Im also confused on how to place Links such as ones used in contact tables as well as placeing music playlists and so on... if anyone knows or knows a perfect place for one as new as myself, id be very grateful.

I love Div's but i just I need to know a few more things

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

use [ html ] [ /html ] tags to enclose your code.

are you 'skinning' your myspace profile or emulating myspace?

if you're skinning your profile page, it'll take more time and effort than just making your own website, or using a profile site that's more customizable.

myspace is horrible to customize. it's not easy to do for one, and more importantly, 99% of customized profiles look abhorent, and the ones that look ok seem totally out of place.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

are you 'skinning' your myspace profile or emulating myspace?

if you're skinning your profile page, it'll take more time and effort than just making your own website, or using a profile site that's more customizable.

myspace is horrible to customize. it's not easy to do for one, and more importantly, 99% of customized profiles look abhorent, and the ones that look ok seem totally out of place.

He is right. Infact this also follows with hi5

I have just tried to customize my myspace and it is scary difficult. I was thinking about putting something on top to change the look totally but I really cannot be bothered and I think making it function with myspace will be too hard.

However, I have managed to delve into the code and customize my own but it was almost all trial and error!

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