How can I loop music on my website? Using Microsoft Frontpage, I have uploaded to my site, consisiting of 17 pages, a soundtrack to each and every page but obviously every time I switch pages the track restarts. I would like to loop so that the track plays continuously whilst you are visiting the website switching pages or not. Thanks.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

I dont know what fromtpage really do(i dont use it). Tell me what code is it generating. Is it inserting an object or using something like <BGSOUND SRC="helloo.wav">

I would say these easiest way to do this is just a small flash document that has basically got a sound loop on it and an off button. There are many tutorials for this online.

Sorry vishesh for ignoring your post but this way just seems easier.;)

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

But he's asking it to do with frontpage, and probably he doesn't know how to insert it and i suppose fronpage doesnt integrate well with flash.

But he's asking it to do with frontpage, and probably he doesn't know how to insert it and i suppose fronpage doesnt integrate well with flash.

Yes very true, sorry. I didn't read the question properly. Anyway, yes in frontpage I am pretty sure there is a feature to add music. We need to know how you are trying to go about it.

Thank you guys for trying to help me but I've decided not to go ahead with the music as I have been advised that music on websites is not generally appreciated. Regards.

I'm actually quite suprised I didn't say that myself. I am glad we could kind of help... I think. ;)

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Thank you guys for trying to help me but I've decided not to go ahead with the music as I have been advised that music on websites is not generally appreciated. Regards.

That's very well said music on website is not appreciated. Its annoying, its good that you got to know it somehow.


there is plenty of mps players that can be installed onto a webpage, just search for mp3 player code

I think he wants background music and so what you are thinking of is not the best solution. But anyway this is really a solved topic.

You just caused the whole cube farm to prarie-dog with that music! Thanks a lot! :P

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