
My question is on weather it is possible to move the mouse on a page after it has touched something. For example: Lets say some one moused over an image, after which the mouse would move down across a certain part of the page.

If it is possible how would I go around to doing that?



My question is on weather it is possible to move the mouse on a page after it has touched something. For example: Lets say some one moused over an image, after which the mouse would move down across a certain part of the page.

If it is possible how would I go around to doing that?


I don't think it is possible; javascript has no control over the cursor.

I see, can you point me to something that would be able to do that?


You don't want to do that. That would be very annoying and people would not stay on your site.

You see on my page I have 3 hints(using TigraHints). I was able to modify the original script in order to leave a hint open after another one opened, usually it would open the hint but when onother opened it would close the prevous one, I also want to have a button that would allow me to activate all of those hints at the same time.

The problem is that when you atach the hint to the button they apear near that button and not where they were originally atached to.

The hints currently are activated by a mouseover event. I was wondering if there was a way to activate the hints at the same time as well as deactivate them all at the same time. By using the mouse positioning thing I could almost fake what i wanted to do.

I will attach an example of how the hints open and all the necesary files. Dont mind the hint pile up it is fine on my page its because of the position of the Stage 1 (?).

I was thinking that maybe there was a way I could use the ID of the Hint callers in order to activate the hints, but all I could think about was faking the mouse movement. If anyone has a way of calling all the hints at the same time it would be greatly apreaciated.

BTW, there is also a transition that works in IE5+ but I am unaware if it does in Firefox or anyother browsers.


Don't move my mouse! I have enough applications which move the mouse. Then my mouse falls off the mousepad when I try to put it back.

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