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I've put a new simple website online for my work, but in Firefox the pages don't scroll down.
Any thoughts?

can you post an example of your css code? It can be caused by missing closing tag, and since IE is quitte forgivable to this, it doesn't give as much problems.

also, the html for the table looks a bit messy, use a list instead and position it with csss

a bit wierd, since in opera it doesn't scroll either but you can operate the scrollbar.

Works just fine for me in FireFox

Nice site BTW.

I stuffed your code into the W3C validator, and it spit out the error messages.

You have chosen the XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype, but you are using deprecated elements which are not supported by XHTML. Either change your doctype, or change the deprecated elements to the style sheet equivalents.

Below are the results of checking this document for validity.

Error 1 Line 68 column 34: there is no attribute "height". <table width="733" height=[B]"[/B]40" border="0"> The height= attribute is deprecated in XHTML.

Error 2 Line 71 column 22: there is no attribute "width". <td width=[B]"[/B]254"><img src="images/film-strip-01.gif" alt="film strip" The width= attribute is deprecated in XHTML.

Error 3 Line 71 column 113: there is no attribute "border".

The border= attribute is deprecated in XHTML.

Error 4 Line 71 column 123: there is no attribute "align"

The align= attribute is deprecated in XHTML.

Error 5 Line 75 column 27: there is no attribute "height". <td height=[B]"[/B]25"><h4><strong>Music Samples</strong></h4> The height= attribute is deprecated in XHTML.

Error 6 Line 196 column 17: there is no attribute "align". <div align=[B]"[/B]center"></div> The align= attribute is deprecated in XHTML.

I suggest that you create stylesheet entries for these three lines with the proper styles in them. Either that, or chose a doctype which accepts these deprecated attributes. But doing the latter will eventually require you to do the former at a later date.

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