I would like to use <H1> and <H2> tags to emphasize important keywords for SEO purposes. Is it XHTML-transitional legal to enclose a <div class="blah"> tag inside an <h1> tag?

I would like to use <H1> and <H2> tags to emphasize important keywords for SEO purposes. Is it XHTML-transitional legal to enclose a <div class="blah"> tag inside an <h1> tag?

I believe it is, but why... You could just apply the class to the <h1> tag: <h1 class="blah"> or assign the style to it in your style sheet:

h1 { some-style:xxx; }

Then all <h1>'s would inherit that style...

Make sense? If you are after another result, please share.... I am curious.

I'd prefer to use a span as it's inline. If you put a div in a h1 and put it into the wdg validator - http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/direct.html it fails, though for a reason I don't actually agree with. (h1 isn't inline to the best of my knowledge).

However the only reason I've used this sort of thing for is avoiding box model problems by putting width on one and margins one the other. Is there another use? :curious:

W3C recomends to use divs for the style and h1, h2 for the brief titles of the sections, subsections...

Anyway it is allowed to use class in h1, h2.. elements, so under my point of view you can give style to the h elements.

Other subject is to put block's inside the h elements that will be consider as other information block, and that's not a brief title, so that's the reason validators will complain ( I think ).

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