i just joint this forum and would like to get help in corel drawin and how it works
pls reply i need your help

well, it might surely help to ask such a question in a forum that's about Corel Draw, instead of a Java development forum.

This is a multimedia forum, not a Java forum.

What do you need to know about Corel Draw. I am an expert.

You can PM me, but bear in mind that my job is intense at times, and lets me log in only about once a week.

This is a multimedia forum, not a Java forum.

indeed it is, but bear in mind that this thread, which was first started in the java forum, was moved here after my post.

hello, i am also new here
i don't use Coral draw, but as i know the better programm is Photo Shop. Try to learn it.

Corel Draw can do so much more than any of those photo editors can do.

Maybe so.. but corel is like a hybrid, and doesn't really focus on one area (ie illustration or photo editing). So instead of using two SOLID programs to complete a task you end up using one all rounder (which has half the power). So if you already good with photoshop. I'd suggest using illustrator.

These packages cost money. The original poster (or his employer) probably already spent the budget on Corel Draw. Telling him to spend more money is not a good solution.

True. So it's pointless going back and forth. Lets help him already. I found when I first started using photoshop (ages ago... actually nice to reminisce) that tutorials were alot of help. Especially getting to grips with tools and how to apply them in real situtations. Anyway a simple google search with the search string "coreldraw" I found a tutorial site. Obviously many more out there. But thats for you to discover. Here's a link to the site I found. Haha, doesn't look that hot but you get the idea. Good luck and all the best.

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