I'm a newbie to css and I've hit the wall :(

I would like the user of the web page/site to scroll down the page and still have the navigation bar shown at all times. I've managed to do this, however, the text scrolls over the top of the navigation bar. I would like the navigation bar to hide the text as the user scrolls.

I've tried playing around with the position values (e.g. relative/absolute) but nothing seems to work. Any ideas out there? Thanks :)


Have you tried using z-index: nnn;
(nnn being some numeric value).

It would also help if the Navigation was not "in the document flow"... meaning it should be seperate to everything else, jsut in case certain browsers don't want to play properly.


Have you tried using z-index: nnn;
(nnn being some numeric value).

It would also help if the Navigation was not "in the document flow"... meaning it should be seperate to everything else, jsut in case certain browsers don't want to play properly.

I'm going to make a guess that you are testing with a version of IE < 7, and are trying to use 'position:fixed'?

IE does not understand 'position:fixed', as you will discover if you do a search for 'IE position fixed'. FF understands it and complies, but good old IE does not. Many work-arounds include the advice given above, to get the 'fixed' div out of the main content flow. It is possible to make it work.

Trying to get a site looking good in both browsers, and at 800x600 AND 1024x768 will drive you nuts.

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