I am building my first website using a company which offers hosting services and ready css templates. I am learning the basics searching on the net and through books for newbies. Asked for help to the company customer assistance and the answer was again: ‘cannot assist you on this’.

This is what I’m trying to do: on a web page I need to create an iper-link: view more info..
Which will open a page with info and thumbnail photos.
I tried to upload files from my pc to their server: for this purpose FTP is already provided and only need to click on upload files to the proper location.
However files ending in: _html - .html - .text are skipped and cannot be uploaded.
A file ending in: .doc was successfully uploaded but this is not what I need.
Cannot link the files on an extra website page since I do not have more pages available.

I hope this make sense and I apologize for the very little knowledge of technical language required for these matters.

If any of you could help with this issue, I would greatly appreciate.

Kind regards,


Sounds like permission on the actual FTP site. If they aren't allowing you to upload html, I don't really know what you can do.

Thank you so much for taking the time to look into this, Sillyboy.

Kind regards, Canea

I just had a glimmer: Maybe their operating system requires 3-character filename extensions.

Try renaming the files with the .htm extension, instead of the .html extension.

Another possibility is that your own ISP or your security settings is blocking the transfer of these files.

Precious tip MidiMagic, I appreciate your help.
Shall look into it and let you know how it evolves.
In the meantime thank you very much, have a nice week-end.

Kind regards, Canea

I checked the problem.
The customer service message reads:
"You can upload pictures, music, videos, graphics, Microsoft Office documents, and PDF files; however, you cannot upload .htm, .html, .js, .php, or .asp files."
So.. I guess I'm using the wrong company to build my website with.

Thank you for your help

Regards, Canea

who is this webservice?

It sounds like they don't allow websites, or they require your site to be built remotely on their server.

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