I just had a client request for me to attach a word document to a web site and not as a pdf.

I do not think that that can be done.

Am I correct??? :-/ :-/

Save the word document as a web page from Word.

File / Save as web page

i tried that but some kind of errror is being shown .

If you just have the word document on the webserver and provide a link to it e.g.:


The users browser (depending on set-up and what applications they have) will either pop-up a download box or attempt to open the file directly into whatever app the user has configured for .doc extension files. 9 times out of 10 that will be MS Office Word.

If the document needs to display as a page in the browser then do as MidiMagic says. If you post the error you're getting we may be able to help. But, if you just vaguely say 'There's some kind of error..' then there's sweet F.A. we can do for you :)

I do not think that that can be done.

Am I correct???

ANYTHING can be done, it's merely a matter of resources and ROI as to whether it's worth doing or not.

I just had a client request for me to attach a word document to a web site and not as a pdf.

When you say attach do you mean a link to a word document for download or have it open in the user's browser window?

If it's the former you can just link to the document on the server as hollystyles suggested. If you are using apache you can also set the following in your .htaccess file to force the download (just in case a browser decides to behave differently). Make sure mod_headers is on.

<FilesMatch "\.(?i:doc)$">
  ForceType application/octet-stream
  Header set Content-Disposition attachment

If it's the latter I think you would probably require the user need some sort of plugin that reads .doc files. Good luck finding that and getting the users to download it.

No, not open in a browser, but so that they then can download it and print it out.

I have not yet tried to upload the .doc but hope to try soon.
Thinking of having a link to the ms word on a page linking to the doc on the server in the same folder.

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