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Member Avatar for snah19

Hi, I'm transitioning to assembly, starting with processor 8086. The attached code is Masm 5 compatible and is a step up from Hello World, which linked and ran okay. An endless loop exists, giving credence to this note. Any comments or suggestions to resolve it would be appreciated, thanks! .model …

Member Avatar for snah19
Member Avatar for TENG JUN

TITLE Simple Login System .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 .DATA USERNAME DB 20 DUP('$') PASSWORD DB 20 DUP('$') INPUT_BUFFER DB 20 DUP('$') PROMPT_USER DB 13,10,"Create a username: $" PROMPT_PASS DB 13,10,"Create a password: $" LOGIN_NAME DB 13,10,"Enter your username: $" LOGIN_PASS DB 13,10,"Enter your password: $" SUCCESS_MSG DB 13,10,"Login successful!$" FAILURE_MSG …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jcham

I had used "Do It Again" macro creator software for quite a while with no problem. Recently a MS support tech did a system recovery o my computer (system specs attached), in an attempt to solve a problem. Since the recovery "Do It Again" (One of the program deleted in …

Member Avatar for merryestifanos

Write a program that counts the number of the given character in a user given string. The program must have a procedure called 'HowMany ' that will expect ECX hold the number of user given character in the string buffer, ESI to have the address of where the buffer starts, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ben_913

I am a novice in assembler programing, I will will appreciate if someone could review these NASM assembler code for me. Is about encoder decoder. The encoder performs the following: 1. pads the shellcode with NOP opcodes so it is 4 bytes aligned 2. a random byte is generated for …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Hanz Jude

I am writing this program for our activity, but I have Problem at the end line, because whenever I input 'Y' when asked do you want to solve another set, the do repeats but the statement "Do you want to try again is flashed along with the question "Which shape's …

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Member Avatar for squirrelly

A classic example of an object is a playing card.There are numerous games that utilize a deck of 52 playing cards; consider the game called Set instead. The object of the game is to identify “sets” of 3 cards from an array of 12 cards. Each card has fourfeatures: 1.Symbols …

Member Avatar for Naia
Member Avatar for EC101

Hi, i need my program output to come out as Hi! I can count very fast. 00000001 IS THERE MORE? 00000002 IS THERE MORE? 00000003 IS THERE MORE? 00000004 IS THERE MORE? 00000005 IS THERE MORE? 00000006 IS THERE MORE? 00000007 IS THERE MORE? 00000008 IS THERE MORE? 00000009 IS …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for いわしろ

#include<stdio.h> #includ<conio.h> Int main() { int ch; float F,C,R,K; char chs; printf(“Choose Input Value\n1.F\n2.C\n3.R\n4.K\n”); scanf(“%d”,&ch); switch(ch) { Case1: F=input(“Fahrenheit value”); C=(5/9)*(F-32); K=C+273.15; R(9/5)*K; Case2: C=input(“Celsius value”); F=(9/5)*(F-32); K=C+273.15; R=(9/5)*K; Case3: R=input(“Rankine value”); F=R-459.67; C=(5/9)*(F-32); K=C+273.15; Case4: K=input(“Kelvin value”); R=(9/5)*K; F=R-459.67; C=(5/9)*(F-32); default: printf(“Invalid Input”) } fflush(stdin); printf(“Print final value F=%0.3f …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for rexworth123

I’m trying to create a change machine bored and have no programming experience. If anybody has any suggestions I am open to paying someone to help me with this project. I have some logic controlled hoppers and pulse validator‘s 50 MS on 50 MS off. I just need it to …

Member Avatar for Jeph_1

Hello, I am trying to count the number of characters in a string $a0 that return a 1 when passed to the function, otherwise return 0. Heres what I did: I dont have the correct answer __ output format must be 3, I have 11 .text .globl __start __start: # …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for RalphGarner

I am a profession (retired) visual basic programm and have devleoped an stock market application, which work just fine on my pc. Basicall, it reads file for yahoo and creates local file, and analyses the data and rearranges the data in 20 difference way to help user decide how to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for infinit44

Hello, I have a problem in making that when the light is green it would light for 5seconds and when the lights are red-yellow or yellow it will only light up for 3seconds. Could anyone help me how to get the result? ; controlling external device with 8086 microprocessor. ; …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for infinit44

Hello, could anyone help me how can I make so the user could only enter numbers between 0...9 and letters a...f (A...F) on input? I have a code like this already #MAKE_EXE# DSEG SEGMENT 'DATA' MSG DB 'Enter double digit hex number: $' DSEG ENDS SSEG SEGMENT STACK 'STACK' DW …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for b1izzard

Hi friends, I am a newbie to Assembly Language programming, I don't know whats the equivalent Assembly code for NASM compiler and moreover is there any compiler available for ubuntu so that I can run my TASM code as it is? Here is my simple code that works fine in …

Member Avatar for deva_2
Member Avatar for Quest123

Just started learning PEP/8 what would the correct way to convert numbers into roman numericals? for exemple How can input let say 6 and have it come out as VI in the output? I know what i did is far from being the correct way to do things as i …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Vongola_Takeshi

Good day ^^ I want to create a program using tasm that will tell if the inputted string is a palindrome or not....but i don't know how will i get the first and last char to compare..unlike in C..i can use the strlen....XD Please make the codes very simple ^^..tnx …

Member Avatar for Nivre
Member Avatar for Surya_14

hey guys i have this question that i am finding difficulity in help will be appriciated Modify the Wombat 1 computer to Wombat 2 by adding Stack. Stack is a memory which has only one opening where the values are pushed into or popped from stack. The values pushed into …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kal_crazy

I am using CPU Sim to change wombat1 to wombat2 by adding stack. I have done adding a Stack RAM and a Stack pointer SPR. I have implemented a push instruction as such: acc->mdr mdr->Stack[SPR] End The implementation is able to push the acc value to Stack but not able …

Member Avatar for Ajnesh
Member Avatar for Sahib_3
Member Avatar for Mem_206

By using the PPI and 8086 microprocessor make a simple project that turns on/off one LED for 2 seconds. Explain the address of PPI and the proper control word, and assembly language program that you will use in this project.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Eisya

helo! im an comp engineering student and i need ur help. i have to do a Reminder system using assembly language |-ask user key in input |-clock system |-timer system |-output. thats the basic idea that i have for now. we are using the emulator x86, here the link https://carlosrafaelgn.com.br/Asm86/ …

Member Avatar for Russ_4
Member Avatar for Puvaan

#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; using std::string; // function to get maximum string of characters size_t getMaximum(string dum[], int n){ size_t max = dum[0].size(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){ if (dum[i].size()>max) max = dum[i].size(); } return max; } void countSort(string a[], int …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for ama_ni

hello, i need someone to tell me how do i read string in assembly 8086 (nasm) and it would be better to write down the code ~~ thank you

Member Avatar for Leslie_2
Member Avatar for sbaker51

Hello, I’m working my way through a PDF file of the book ‘Assembly language step-by-step programming with DOS and Linux’ by Jeff Duntemann. The CD that accompanied the book included a DOS NASM Integrated Development Environment written in Borland Pascal titled ‘NASM-IDE’. I was able to find it on github, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for liliuglenda

am using CPU Sim to change wombat1 to wombat2 by adding stack. I have done adding a Stack RAM and a Stack pointer SPR. I have implemented a push instruction as such: acc->mdr mdr->stack(spr) End The implementation of push instruction is able to push the acc value to Stack but …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Arosha_1
Member Avatar for kww228

I am trying to get my program to do a simple math problem of A*B+C*D given a set of test numbers. I have the code written out, but after I input numbers for A and B it goes into an infinite loop. My code is this: [CODE]ORG 100 Load A …

Member Avatar for Mariam_16
Member Avatar for Idestruction

Hello all! I am trying to complete a lab assignment for my computer systems class and we have to use the printf function to print changing register values (increment eax from 1 to 10, decrement ebx from 10 to 1). Here is my code: [CODE]; Purpose: To print data to …

Member Avatar for John_310
Member Avatar for codenut

Create an object in its own file called “LED.asm” that draws a RED Led in the middle of the BITMAP Display. Make the LED your own design, but make sure that it looks like an LED. Assumptions: The Bitmap Display will be stored in the Heap starting at Address 0x10040000. …

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The End.