2,878 Topics

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Member Avatar for fmartins

I'm learning assembly and just finished coding the n-queens problem in nasm. The n-queens problems consists of placing n queens on a nxn chessboard so that no two queens are in the same row, column or diagonal (so that no queen could take another). For years, this is the first …

Member Avatar for coded_hitec
Member Avatar for afas87

HI,, i wanna ask you about MIPS is there MOV instruction in MIPS?if not, why doesnt support it. thanks,,,

Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi everyone, I'm really, really confused with the whole CHS thing. Here's what I understand so far... INT13, function 8 can get me the following drive parameters:- Heads Cylinders Sectors-per-Track I can use the following calculations to get the disk space:- Sectors-per-Side = Sectors-per-Track * Cylinders Total Sectors = Sectors-per-Side …

Member Avatar for coffeeuncle
Member Avatar for tesaluna32

hi to all.. could someone help me how to write a code in a86 assembly language? only 30 seconds coundown. i haved my code but it doesn't work. thanks..!![code][/code]

Member Avatar for coffeeuncle
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi folks, I'm creating a bootloader for my setup CD in NASM, and so far I've got the PVD (Primary Volume Descriptor) stored in a buffer. Now I'm stuck, as I'm not sure exactly how the Directory Records .etc. are structured; how is the one-to-many relationship implemented .etc. as it …

Member Avatar for mathew_johnny

Hi, I v got a tough challenge to solve please help me find its solution. Have code but no corresponding higher language code. Code displays 8 top records made by any users in a particular game, i have to modify it in such a way that it prints 10 records. …

Member Avatar for Chris_Giarla

Is there a difference between %ecx and (%ecx) I don't really care at this point about specific register uses, just consider %ecx a general purpose register for my question. I know that if you have a base pointer (%ebp) and you want to reference a location based on that, you …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for dolkk

Hi guys, I am a [COLOR="red"]newbie[/COLOR] in writing programs in assembly language. Can anyone teach me how to write a simple code to develop a basic graphic user interface. I am currently working on a project to create a musical game that requires user interaction. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for DENE@DANI
Member Avatar for Dabdob

Hereby the code i have wrote about a small porgram to to find the maximum number from three numbers. Waiting your comments,,, GET AX; MOV BX,AS; GET AX; MOV CX, AX; GET AX; CMP AX,BX; CMP AX,CX Put AX End

Member Avatar for ashenafiye
Member Avatar for jt3204

Hi there, I am having some trouble compiling what I believe to be unmanaged code (output from monodis) back into C# for analysis. What is the correct procedure or program to use for this? Thanks. PS. I don’t know whether it would help at all, but the output begins like …

Member Avatar for jt3204
Member Avatar for Syphilis

What's Up? OK, So when my file gets executed, It creates a window via 'CreateDialogIndirectParam', Once you press OK, It then creates the next Via 'Createwindow'. All the windows they use are under the dialogs section which is viewable via reshacker or PE Explorer. Now my goal is to bypass …

Member Avatar for hello_man

TITLE hw5_ex1 (hw5_ex1.asm) ; this program prompts the user to enter 10 numbers between 0 and 9 ; the program should print error message if the input invalid and ; prompt to enter a valid one, at the end the program should print ; only the valid input. INCLUDE Irvine32.inc …

Member Avatar for martlevin

Hi I am having problems with getting an LED to flash on a 16F887. I believe it is down to the oscillator. can you point me in the right direction? [CODE] __CONFIG _CONFIG1, _LVP_OFF & _FCMEN_ON & _IESO_OFF & _BOR_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _CP_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _WDT_OFF …

Member Avatar for Bishoppy
Member Avatar for wApPy

help me for this program... i need an output for reversing of a string.. what are the missing codes? correct me .. teach me... give me an example of program.. a reversing program for EMULATOR 8086,ASSEMBLY.....[code]include 'emu8086.inc' org 100h print 'input a string: ' mov dx,10 call get_string putc 0ah …

Member Avatar for eyfifteen
Member Avatar for spiricn

So I've started programming in assembler recently (college course) , and of course they are making us use ubuntu and DDD debugger for debugging .. So I was wondering , is it possible to set up DDD on Windows ? I've tried googling but came up with nothing so far …

Member Avatar for asmhelp

Hello, I'm having a problem trying to trying to store a local variable in my asm program. I push 3 parameters: nbrElts (number of elements in the array), nbrArray (the address of the array), and result1 (the average). I'm trying to divide by the number of elements that I push …

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Member Avatar for mjacqu3

I'm new to Assembly and trying to write a program that requires a simple graphic display: a 10x10 grid of "|##|" . I need to make changes to it and redisplay it every so often. I can get it to display perfectly once but the second time I call the …

Member Avatar for mjacqu3
Member Avatar for southtucky

First let me say I am thankful I found these forums for assembly, and that I am a complete newbie. I've been reading documentation, and even bought a book on learning assembly, however, there is still one question I have that baffles me. I would appreciate it if someone could …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for dv1r

im in the middle of a lab test and i need help the question is "PC computer component occupies real time clock 70-71H address Rmbah the IO. Find his ruling is the entry of sub-controller IRQ0 8259 (A1 A0H addresses in input and output)." and i have no idea how …

Member Avatar for Bufbupa

Hello and thanks in advance for any help. I am currently trying to write a bit of code that simulates a keystroke via stuffing a scan code directly into the keyboard controller chip and have it return that scan code as though someone actually pressed that key. To be honest, …

Member Avatar for Bufbupa
Member Avatar for ItecKid

Hello, all, I am writing an x86 function that is called, with arguments, from a C program. Which registers does x86 store these arguments in?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ryukifaiz

I am writing an x86 assembly language program that between base numbers.My problem is how to make it happen like this: [QUOTE]Welcome 1. Binary <-> Octal 2. Binary <-> Decimal 3. Binary <-> Hexadecimal 4. Octal <-> Decimal 5. Octal <-> Hexadecimal 6. Decimal <-> Hexadecimal Please enter the type …

Member Avatar for iomartin

Hello, I am really a beginner with Assembly, and I'm currently working on a program in which I receive a string of numbers, separated by spaces. I will have to perform some operations with these numbers, one at a time, but for that I have to recognise when a number …

Member Avatar for magava

Hello.I have to enter some string.If the string is the name of a register,the program must return the content of that register.

Member Avatar for amylyn7

I need to write a program that displays a single character in all possible combination of foreground and background [U][COLOR="Green"][COLOR="Red"]colors [/COLOR][/COLOR][/U](16x16 = 256). The colors are numbered from 0 to 15, so use a [COLOR="Red"]nested loop[/COLOR] to generate all possible combinations. The character to be displayed should be obtained from …

Member Avatar for scourge.hellion

hey guys !:) well (00401034 . 322E XOR CH,BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]) and (00401031 ,65:72 33 JB SHORT messagee.00401067) these are out of ollydbger:) compare them both and can u tell me if the middle column i mean 322e n 65:72 33 are the same? like 657233h is the same as …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Chris_Giarla

Hello Everyone! This is my first post as a Daniweb member and I am hoping that the people here are as great as they seem. I am a junior in a CS department and I am learning IA32 Assembly as an elective. I am trying to write some basic C …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Syphilis

What's Up? OK, I'm editing another file, And my new problem is that every so often the software creates a popup menu above the system tray. [url]http://i.imagehost.org/0117/Screenshot_6.png[/url] -img And I need to edit it, Now the file isn't mine and I don't have the source to it, I probably have …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello. This code im going to show you, is supposed to allow one to view the contents of a register or memory location. Im using it on masm and it compiles ok. Although i dont know where the print routine displays register contents. Any words would be a big help, …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for jannyboy

Hello. I have been learning asm for a while now. There are a few things i cant seem to find in my books. they are things like fs:[0x30] , 0x0c, 0x1c. Thanks for any words on it.

Member Avatar for NotNull

The End.