2,878 Topics

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Member Avatar for nishil

i am using atmel 2051 with tasm2.8 assembly language,,,,,,,,,,,i have built a temeperature sensor and its working but cant seem to get this part of the program: if temperature is higher than 25 degrees C output to port.........plz plz any assistance will be grate full p.s if you want to …

Member Avatar for nishil

hi, I was wondering if any one knew where i could find the instructions for tasm 2.8.....i am trying to compare A TO FF(100H), if greater than FF go to loopA.........I would really appereciate, if any one knows the above instruction...please help me out. thanks

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for mei

i m doing a program using masm 611 compiler recently but am doubt of how to use it.my program is a simple program called simple calculator,it contains functions of +,-,*,/, and modulus.user only need to input 2 numbers and the function that he/she would like to perform.but i dunno bout …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for wernerradio

I am working on a program where I need to convert a ASCII charchter to a 7-bit code, eg. 'A' is 65 (decimal) and it would be 1000001 I am not sure how to attack this... Below is the code I have started with so far, I guess my main …

Member Avatar for simf

I have the following problem. Using 16 bit assembler code to send a character string to the screen. Following is an example: in my data segment, I have the following defined: Str1 DB 'Hello world', 10 DB 'and hello again','$' in the Code segment, i do the following: mov ah,9h …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for mattyice31

i am in school taking a machine language class and need helpt writing out the asm code for teh addcc instruction. i have a detailed source code complete taht just needs teh blanks to be filled in. .global main main: save %sp, -96, %sp ! %l1, %l2 will be set …

Member Avatar for oxyi

Hi, looking for an assmelby programmer for x86 today . Yes March 11. for a small project take only an hour or so. I am paying $30 or oOB paypal for it, please emaile me oxyigen@gmail.com Again, it is today only, and need it done by 6pm PST. This is …

Member Avatar for Haddock

I'm new to assembly and I want to learn the language. I downloaded the NASM compiler and I'm trying to compile (assemble?) my programs with it. I'm assuming nasm.exe is the compiler. When I try to compile, it gives me errors. The code I'm trying to compile is: .model small …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for DBLCLK

What could cause edit control data to NOT display highlighted after I send an EM_SETSEL message? The data IS being selected, I know because if I send a "CUT" message the selection is deleted. This problem occurs with partial field selection and for "Select All". I've used EM_SETSEL in other …

Member Avatar for pro32

My program takes input from users, sort them and print out the result. But I would also like for it to only print out odd numbers and print out even numbers.Any help is appreciated. [CODE] .data arrayInt DWORD 10 dup(0) sentence BYTE "Please input a three digit integer: " .code …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for ilias
Member Avatar for dayrinni

Hello, I am trying to write an assembly program. In it I am writing a new ISR for the keyboard. The goal of this ISR is to mix the keys around, so for example if I was going to type 'hello' It would print out as 'jhwwi'. It will only …

Member Avatar for Gnome_101
Member Avatar for jones1702

~ Require a Tutor who is able to walk me through some MIPS programming exercises. Willing to compensate for services.

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Member Avatar for Ronbo

Hello One & All, I am a fully experienced mainframe programmer, attempting to program for Windows utilizing the Assembly language. Am technically oriented. Have written 11 16 bit real mode PC DOS programs three of which dynamically linked Have written one 32 bit protected mode VB 5 program, utilizing both …

Member Avatar for Ronbo
Member Avatar for VSBrown

Here is a link to some ASM Code that I did while I was in college. Thought I would post it because maybe it will help someone else. [url]http://www.vsbrown.com/asm.asp[/url] :)

Member Avatar for VSBrown
Member Avatar for teenamalik

Hello there, I have an interesting question reagrding realtime application. When say a microcontroller is executing let us say an instruction to collect data from a buffer.If an interrupt strikes and controller has to go to ISR. The buffer is receiving I/P continuoulsy. Now when the controller returns back after …

Member Avatar for skhaja

I am having difficulty in using the btfsc commands. I am suppose to use them to to program a circuit with 8 LEDs so that they can sequentially light up. Well, you can say that I am half way there as so far only the first four (RC0-RC3) work while …

Member Avatar for lrea_fallon

I am a begging Assembler Student and I am having problems. When I run my program it is telling me I have a bad ASA control charecter. I have checked my program and I don't see anything wrong with it. Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Member Avatar for lrea_fallon

I am having a heck of a time with this program. I have attached my program. I tried to run it on the mainframe and it was looping like crazy. :rolleyes: Can anyone give me some ideas?! :?:

Member Avatar for jfountain02

The problem is I need to check A set of sign numbers and add the positive numbers, and reject the negative numbers. But the problem is I don't have an assembler to check my program, so I am just doing this program in my head, and I was seeing if …

Member Avatar for squirt

i am trying to run python 2.4 for windows xp and it will not let me run it all they way con comeone help?

Member Avatar for nishil

Hello, do you know where i could find more information about tasm and how to program the atmel 2051 using tasm. Thanks

Member Avatar for kharri5

I was curious if anyone knows how the shit I port this C code over to MIPS assembly. first i take input from a user as a string. I want to parse the string into two chars and take those and plug em into a vaiable input: I don't know …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Can Anyone here could recommend me a "GODD/EXECELLENT" web site for me to learn the MASM assembler coding...with examples and tutorials... I'm trying to learn to do my assignment. I don't know what it is...but i want to learn.. please thank you

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh
Member Avatar for compeat

hi! I don't know: how do I realize the [B]Memory Resident[/B] assembly code. how to change my program to memory resident program. how those it(memory resident program)works? :?: do you know aboves??

Member Avatar for ekim0410

hello.. me and my groupmates are currently taking up assembly language programming course.. as a final requirement in our laboratory course, we are asked to choose one out of four machine problems to solve... we are desperately in need of help because we do not know how to solve the …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Lust

How to compute A+B for some some numbers A and B if they are in __int64 format? thank you beforehand :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for SexConker

Alright, I got this assembler class, and we're doing mips, and such. Anyway, I got this problem, see. I have to read in a number in binary (sign magnitude), convert it to decimal, then convert that to a string of ascii characters, and then print them out, with a - …

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The End.