Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good deals for iPods on the internet. The best I've seen is for 279.99 on www.amazon.com


Actually, they raised the price back up on amazon :(. but I am still looking for a good deal.

An Ipod shuffle is a good deal

Yeah, but I want one that can store a lot of songs, so i am going for the 6GB or 20GB (most likely the 20GB one).

well my think is theres probly no time when im going to listen to 12 or 6 hours of songs without being able to go to my computer and switch some out.

Well I want to be able to put at least 10 cds onto it that I like to listen to, and if I had space I wouldn't have to go to my computer to switch out songs, which i am doing right now with my current mp3 player.

My player uses cheap CF cards. I have several sets to match my mood.
Wife has same player, Ipaq uses same chips as do all three of our cameras...

in my web page you can find a list of good deals on iPods and accessories from different online shops.

The new Ipods that have just come out £218 at www.dabs.co.uk .

Hope this was helpful

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