Have the 8330 'Curve' and the cellular contract is not in service. Seeking to use my home DSL account and another computer with bluetooth so that the blackberry can navigate the internet. Seeking configuration guidance or better, if there is an app to navigate the net through bluetooth.

From memory, the model doesn't ship with Wi-Fi. Is that still the case?

Much thanks for the timely reply. No it does not have wifi. The version before this model did have wifi and so the question remains.

Bluetooth DUN is doable. My laptop can do dialup over bluetooth from my old early 2000's palm.

Black berry has severe issue regarding this problem

It can be done, Wi-Fi is obviously significantly easier though. We tend to use UMA at home so it really helps having Wi-Fi

Bluetooth internet Access is not possible in any model of Blackberry because of, the desktop software of Blackberry does not support internet connectivity wia bluetooth.

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