Hello, good people,

I have a PNY Attache 1Gb flash drive that is behaving strangely.

I can add files to the drive without a problem. It currently has a total of 982mb with a mere 816 kb free. I have also ran the drive through a just-updated virus check to ensure that it is clean.

Whenever I try to delete files, I get the message saying "Cannot delete (filename): The disk is write-protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk." The PNY website says that there is no protection available for this device.

I also can not format it in Windows or Disk Manager or defrag it, getting a similar write-protection message. Does anyone have any ideas? This device is one of a 3-pack that I bought at a pretty good bargain, at least I thought it was a bargain until this one started acting up.:rolleyes: The other two are working perfectly fine.

Thanks in advance,

The only thing I can think of is have you tried using another USB port?

commented: Thanks anyway. You were the only one who tried. +2

Thanks for your reply. I have tried other ports and other PCs, including those at my job. This is really a bizarre happening.
Icarus Night

The only thing I can think of is have you tried using another USB port?

I'm having the same exact problem with mine except I can't take anything off or put anyting on. I came here looking for answers. It told me to run "regedit" then open a bunch of other folders, but when I get to the part where I'm supposed to open a folder called "StorageDevicePolicies", it's nowhere to be found. I have a PNY attache' 1GB (it's black and purple) and I've tried putting it in other computers, using different USB ports, and even formatting it. It's really important that I get some help b/c I'm a songwriter and music is my life and, basically, my life is on that disk. Unfortunately, I don't have any other available disks to use other than my RCA Pearl MP3 player.


I downloaded and tried several fixes that did not work. I returned to the manufacturer's website to see if their developers have added anything useful.

PNY now has a resolution that I did not initially find. You can copy your files to your hard drive and then reinstall your flash drive. If you have a PNY, instructions and the link may be found at http://www2.pny.com/support/support_landing_cat.aspx?SectionID=1057.

I hope this helps!


I will deffinately try that. Thank you very much.


I downloaded and tried several fixes that did not work. I returned to the manufacturer's website to see if their developers have added anything useful.

PNY now has a resolution that I did not initially find. You can copy your files to your hard drive and then reinstall your flash drive. If you have a PNY, instructions and the link may be found at http://www2.pny.com/support/support_landing_cat.aspx?SectionID=1057.

I hope this helps!


Well, I tried that and nothing works. My best friend (whom I think is a technical genious) tried to fix it using default methods and he can't even find the reason for it's lock up.

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