Hello all!!!

have a question about Sony VGN-AR150G laptop that keeps rebooting after 5 seconds as soon as i turn on the power.

after few tries it turns on and is steady. I am able to work on. I imaged did Recovery and was able to go online, watch movies etc ..

but as soon as i turned off, and tried to turn back on, it started again. Laptop kept rebooting. about 15 - 20 tries later it turns on perfectly.

I don't have the laptop battery. I am using AC Cord. At first i was sure, it has to do something with memory so i replaced the memory. now i have DDR2-5300 1gb memory.

not sure why this is happening, any idea???

not sure either ,but a lot of laptops have boot problems when there is no battery installed!

doubtfull the battery has anything to do with your issue, unless of course, your power cord is toast, but generally it should never work if thats the case. there could be a million different things causing your problem, so the easiest way to determine the issue, is to back your data up, format the machine. if the issue persists, you're def. looking at a hardware issue of some sort.

doubtfull the battery has anything to do with your issue, unless of course, your power cord is toast, but generally it should never work if thats the case. there could be a million different things causing your problem, so the easiest way to determine the issue, is to back your data up, format the machine. if the issue persists, you're def. looking at a hardware issue of some sort.

i had a older dell once that had a dead battery would hold zero charge ,but had to be in the computer to boot it .

right, but the machine is turning on. im assuming with your older dell, such was not the case.

Have you every taken this Sony apart to check everything inside out, or if not you anyone else...

if their has it could be that there would be a short in one of the wires inside from someone messing around inside.

Or the power connector is loose and is not getting a full and complete charge.

Could also be that the power button or reset button gets stuck for too long.

right, but the machine is turning on. im assuming with your older dell, such was not the case.

Yes ,you are right !

I am not sure what the problem, i bought another battery to check, but it wasn't the battery issue. I did open the laptop and put some silicon paste on processor but that was not the issues either. So next week i will be checking the polarity to check the power supply on one of the hardware is loose or not.

now i am pretty sure its hardware or power issue. i will try my best to figure out whats wrong. will surely post is i discover something new.

thanks all for your thoughts and efforts.

you guys are million dollar techs :)

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