Hi was thinking of getting a new case, and i came across one that i really like - http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16811119136. it comes with a 1000W power supply. it got me thinking, how important is a PS that powerful ? Im interested in high-end gaming, and i was wondering if its really necessary to get a PS like that or will my current PCP&P 510W PS be sufficient for any needs ? btw i plan on running 2 high powered SLI graphics cards in the future. thanks for any help

i think you answered your own ???sure it cant hurt ,and i think you will like to have it to help run the new video cards in the future

btw i plan on running 2 high powered SLI graphics cards in the future

edit ==,just clicked on the link to the new case ,i think you just came in to brag and make the rest of us jealous . LOL and its a better deal than this e-bay seller wants .


Well yea this is a good case ..... What is the cost of it buddy ..?/ i was wondering to buy this one too....

Well yea this is a good case ..... What is the cost of it buddy ..?/ i was wondering to buy this one too....

the price is clearly in the link in the first post

For 2 (high end) cards running with SLI you want 650w+

great thanks guys, i appreciate all your input :) i was basically asking because i was thinking should i get the one that comes with the 1000W PS, for 379.99 or the one without it for 179.99. but now that i look at the prices of other PS's of comparable output, i think ill be getting the one that comes with the PS.

btw i was wondering, could i sell my used PS ? im not sure anyone would want a used PS but would it be possible to sell it ?

yeah maybe ebay

better to try locally than e-bay ,especially if you are a first time seller

i sold my 550w for £15 inc. postage (thats about $30) - you can buy them new for £25-65

k thanks guys

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