I have had some problems with a new computer I bought about 1 week ago. On the second day - I experienced constant 100% CPU Usage. I combed the web for some guidance and I could see this is a pretty common problem but no one seemed to have any difinitive solution.

When I got the computer I installed all the drivers from the box - apart from the video card drivers - went to nvidia for that.

I finally succumbed to the fact that I needed to reinstall windows and this solved the problem for about 2 days. We spoke to the guys that sold us the computer but all the advice they could give was that it must be the software being installed.

This is a gaming computer so it has the game (VG) and ventrilo loaded at present

As I am not IT technically minded, I decided to call in a Mobile IT service to try and sort out the problem but before they could arrive, we had a power failure and the computer fixed itself - no 100% CPU usage.

The problem comes back every couple of days but is solved by creating a power failure and pulling the cord from the back of the computer. Can anyone tell me why this is so ? If I restart the computer it does not reset the 100% CPU usage.

It is not the way that I want to solve this problem.

Try updating the BIOS

be careful! DO NOT turn off the PC while the update is effect.

did you ever seem to think the motherboard has a faulty power regulator?

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