OK... So about 2 month ago I bought a GB of RAM and put it into my computer, no problems, worked fine... Then about 4 weeks later I bought another GB of RAM and put that in with no problems, worked fine... Everything was great until a couple of days ago for no reason my computer had been working fine all day then all of a sudden it just restarted for no reason and then every 10 - 20 mins after that. Along with a lot of programs suddenly not working and quite a lot of blue screen errors... Anyways after struggling like hell and a look round Google I found that it could be my RAM. So eventually i've traced it back to the 1st GB of RAM I put in. I've had to take it out and now everything works fine again. However as soon as I put it back in I cant even get the computer to load up. It just restarts and restarts over and over again... So now i'm a GB short. I just cant figure out why this would just randomly brake like that. Especially after such a short period!?... Any ideas?...

Sorry for the long post!... And thanks in advance!

what kind of computer is it
are both RAM sticks the same as far as manufacturer and speed.

The computer is an eMachines E3021. It has 2 slots for RAM and came with a 250MB. Which is what i've put back in along with the latest 1GB that I bought. Which seems to be running fine. (Although I cant get BF2 to play for some strange reason!)

When I went to buy the RAM I took the 250MB from the computer, and the guy in the shop matched it so that it would work. And then took the 1GB back to the shop to match it when I bought the 2nd GB. And both of them have worked fine for like the last 3 weeks or so... Thats what I dont understand.

All the RAM is DDR1 if thats any help.

you should test it in another machine since that ram can be bugged due to static discharge . Ram is very sensitive but first test it on another machine

OK I'll see if I can try that out. If it is bugged would there be any way of fixing it?

Thanks for the replies...

Unfortunately not.I have a bunch of bugged ram in my section that im yet to throw away

you can try one stick at a time also

its possible that one of them is bad

Yeah i've tried that and it didnt work. I'm jus ticked off that its not even that old! What can cause this then? Just so I can try and prevent it from happening again. Thanks a lot!

It is due to the RAM faulty, is normal for a new RAM too.

Lots of my customers faced the same problem.

By the way, you may claim the RAM from the distributor as it is Lifetime Warranty.

OK... So about 2 month ago I bought a GB of RAM and put it into my computer, no problems, worked fine... Then about 4 weeks later I bought another GB of RAM and put that in with no problems, worked fine... Everything was great until a couple of days ago for no reason my computer had been working fine all day then all of a sudden it just restarted for no reason and then every 10 - 20 mins after that. Along with a lot of programs suddenly not working and quite a lot of blue screen errors... Anyways after struggling like hell and a look round Google I found that it could be my RAM. So eventually i've traced it back to the 1st GB of RAM I put in. I've had to take it out and now everything works fine again. However as soon as I put it back in I cant even get the computer to load up. It just restarts and restarts over and over again... So now i'm a GB short. I just cant figure out why this would just randomly brake like that. Especially after such a short period!?... Any ideas?...

Sorry for the long post!... And thanks in advance!

Ah thanks i'll look into that!

[EDIT] How would I go about claiming on the warranty? Take it back to the shop? Only I dont have the receipt anymore! Also its an 'A Data' brand...

A Data is ok, go back to the shop you bought from and ask them for the address of the claiming centre, they should know...

Ah thanks i'll look into that!

[EDIT] How would I go about claiming on the warranty? Take it back to the shop? Only I dont have the receipt anymore! Also its an 'A Data' brand...

Sorry for the double post... Can I just ask... If the RAM is faulty then how come it worked for a while? Surely if it was faulty it wouldnt have worked from the start?

I took it back to the shop and because I took the sticker off with the shop logo on it they wouldnt take it back. It still has the A-Data Warranty sticker on it though. But the guy in the shop said if I went to A-Data they would ask where I bought it from and without the shop sticker on it then its no good! So looks like i'm 30 quid out of pocket!

Your BF2 probably isnt working because you need a better graphics card. That's all i needed. ;)

Nah its not that coz it was working fine before all this. Even with the 1GB. I got it working again but now its really choppy. That could be down to RAM but it worked fine before I bought the 2nd GB anyways. Stupid eMachines! I jus feel like theres still something not right! Even though I use RegCure and UniBlue progs to keep everything sorted...

like I said ram is one of the most sensitive parts inside your pc.circuits easily goes bad or they can easily pop without the user doing anything wrong and only realizing it afterwards

Ah well thanks for all the replies. I've been in contact with A Data through the links provided so hopefully I can get something sorted out.

ohk good luck then

Just thought i'd reply to this thread. When I eventually got round to it I sent my faulty RAM back to the manufacturer and they were more than happy to fix it for me. No thanks to the shop i bought it from that wouldnt even give me their address. Thanks to everyone that helped!

Youre welcome Lee.just shows what poor services some dealers are giving to their clients.

cheers bud hope to see ya around

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