Hi there, I'm having problems with controlling my mouse...the pointer never stays in one place, it is always moving to the edge of the screen and controlling it is very difficult once it has gone to the edge.

Thanks in advance for your help.

What kind of mouse is it? Have you cleaned the hardware? Have you tried another mouse? Have you tried another mousing surface? What other troubleshooting steps have you gone through?

my wireless mouse did the same thing until I changed the batteries :o :mrgreen:

Hi there, I'm having problems with controlling my mouse...the pointer never stays in one place, it is always moving to the edge of the screen and controlling it is very difficult once it has gone to the edge.

ok...I don't have a wireless mouse and definitely getting these kind of symptoms on my Thinkpad.

It happens very randomly and when it goes away, it goes away.

I want to be certain there is no spyware or anyone snooping on my PC.

I have up-to-date firewalls, anti-virus, and done spyware checks using various sites and technolgies.

I just turned off Remote Desktop and "Allow Remote Invitations to be sent"

If I'm not mistaken, MSN Messenger must be enabled for RD to work. I've disabled MSN Messenger from the Group Policy and Local Computer Policy settings application.

freedom! :)

Hi, I am experiencing the same problems that bubble wrap had - it has been suggested this may be a virus - I have ran my anti-virus software but it did not help. Has anyone heard of a virus that can make the mouse dart about the screen on its own

Hi, I am experiencing the same problems that bubble wrap had - it has been suggested this may be a virus - I have ran my anti-virus software but it did not help. Has anyone heard of a virus that can make the mouse dart about the screen on its own

Actually there is a trojan that will do that, and some other computer pranks too. Go get microsoft antispyware beta

it might catch something wrong

thanks for the pointer - I assumed this tool was installed on a Windows Update - apparently not!

I downloaded latest definitions (5727) and did a full scan - looks like my PC is clean.

I did have this control over mouse issue just happen in the last few days so still puzzled as to what's going on.

I'll keep this tool up and see what happens - I like the GUI - it's built well for the security newbie in mind! :)

hi .well do scan your pc again. clean youyr mouse well and if it is wireless check the software that you are using to use that mouse. r u sure that your pc is clean . you may be havinh trojans !!

what tyoe of mouse, usb or ps/2 ?. Have you tried an other port, or an other mouse on the computer ? Try to use your mouse on some other computer . Then well see whats the problem

what tyoe of mouse, usb or ps/2 ?. Have you tried an other port, or an other mouse on the computer ? Try to use your mouse on some other computer . Then well see whats the problem

thanks for the input guys. this is my laptop so it's a TrackPoint in the middle of my keyboard. I have no external mouse attached at this time so this is not the issue either. It just happened again for a split second (ie. lost control over the mouse but not long enough for it to get stuck on the edge) an hour ago and everything is "normal" again.

Just did another scan - nada!


So you mean those eraserhead ones ? Im guessing that there is something jammed under there (ive had one like that, it jammed a lot until o got some dust from under it)

well a gud news at least ya pc is clean. try cleaning that mouse again . r u sure that it is "normaol" again. and if it is for long will it remain "normal " before going m,ad again????!!! :lol:

So you mean those eraserhead ones ? Im guessing that there is something jammed under there (ive had one like that, it jammed a lot until o got some dust from under it)

huh...this is a really good idea - the laptop is now on it's 4th year and I have never used compressed air to clean the keyboard - I'll give this a shot!

compressed air is just surprisingly expensive here in thailand last I looked!

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