I have a sony dvd drive and for 2 or 3 month it could read cd but it stopped.

Hi GTAman,

How are we supposed to help you with so few details...

What is you OS ?
What happens precisely when you insert a CD/DVD ?
Does your drive appear when you click on "my computer" ?

my Computer is running windows XP pro. When I put a CD in the drive it sounds like it is going to read the CD but the it make a clicky sound and repeats it self. And i can see in My Computer that it says DVD-RW

unplg dvd/cd ide and connect again also try another ide if possible. what is the make and model of your dvd

The make is Sony and the model number is AWG170AB2

should still be under warranty if you got a graet deal. so take it back to dealer.
if different ide does not work than its probably an internal (inside dvd-rw) problem. ie lens is failing

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