Hey all,
my computer is a custom built PC tht i have peiced together over time,
i have bought only the best for it and it is beutifully fast and works well,
the only major downer is that its pretty damn loud.

i sumtimes disconnect the case fan and tht does enuf, but the graphics card and harddrives are particuarly loud, is there any way i can silence them without buying a new replacement? could the case fan be brocken? because it suddenly sounded different one day wen i turned it on i think my bro did sumthing stupid :mad: but hey, it still works, any suggestions?


Hey all,
my computer is a custom built PC tht i have peiced together over time,
i have bought only the best for it and it is beutifully fast and works well,
the only major downer is that its pretty damn loud.

i sumtimes disconnect the case fan and tht does enuf, but the graphics card and harddrives are particuarly loud, is there any way i can silence them without buying a new replacement? could the case fan be brocken? because it suddenly sounded different one day wen i turned it on i think my bro did sumthing stupid :mad: but hey, it still works, any suggestions?


do you have your case fan connected to a 12v molex connector from your power supply? thats what i am assuming.. if you want the fan to be more quiet, you would have to give it less power somehow. Because I am guessing you do not have a motherboard that supports controlling the fan (such as an asus motherboard with cool and quiet technology). A low power motherboard fan connector would do this if your fan has that kind of connector (3 of my 5 antec 80mm fans have this connector adapter to do so)
if it is really loud to the point that it is annoying, and you can spare a little less cooling (not that it will be a dramatic effect anyways, most likely) you are probably just better off getting a slower/quieter fan. They arnt that much these days, even though 10 -15 dollars does seem very ridiculous for a fan.

As to the harddrives... i dont know what to tell you. I somewhat have the same problem. i have my 2 raptors running at 10000 rpms when at fulltilt... and at first when i installed them originally, they were only loud in the sense that i could just barely hear them running really really really fast. but now they make a clicking noise.. is that what you mean? It isnt a terrible clicking.. but it is definately there. I have heard this is a sign of failure, although i hardly doubt this is the case with mine (or yours for that matter).

Oh... also.. how is your graphics card loud? what kind of card do you have? I mean my card has 2 onboard fans..but they are not distinguishable over even the quiet noise of my case fans.

haha clean out the dust.. ..compressed air works nicely

else alas the fans DO wear out... ..then you pay and fix
noisy is better than not working though

Yeah I'm with Cain on that one, sometimes fans get louder when they are failing, probably ball berring fans and they are starting to wear out.

thanks guys,
i think im gonna b gettin a new case, i noticed my fan is a lil dogey at the mo and my case got a dent in it not long after sending this thread out,
thanks alot


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