I am attempting to fix a computer that was attacked by a nasty virus. I have recently zeroed the drive to wipe it clean. I am now trying a fresh reinstall of windows XP and the computer will not recognize my hard drive. It also will not recognize my second cd drive. Furthermore, BIOS does not have listed in the IDE Configuration menu. I have had this happen before, but have always managed to fix it in the usual ways. This time I am stumped. Here is a list of things i have tired:

1. Using another hard drive - i have tried other hard drives that i know workand i have had no luck
2. Replace IDE cable - this was a desperate move, it didn't work
3. Runnig the Dell diagnostics disk - it crashed when testing the hardware and it won't run correctly
4. Installing XP - tells me there is no hard drive connected to my computer
5. Wiping drive clean with Knoppix (using another computer)

Just to test the hard drive i installed XP onto it using another computer. The installation was perfect and the hard drive worked fine. I think this computer just hates me.


If your BIOS will not detect your drives, Windoze certainly won't. Might have to zap the bios and/or reload it in order to have things function properly. May also have the IDE channels turned off. You can also try resetting the BIOS to the default values. When you make a switch, save the BIOS settings, and power off the machine. Let it rest for a mintue before turning back on. Clears the chips that way.

Only when the BIOS reports that your drive is on IDE this, and your CD is on IDE that, can you proceed with Windoze installation.


I am having a problem in that i just bought a brand new motherboard, processor, and memory; but when i go to install windows XP it will not recognoze the hard drive. Anything that I can do?

I reinstall Windows XP on the main hard drive on a Dell Optiplex GX-260 Desktop. After the installation, I went to “My Computer” and the second hard drive with some important data is missing. The drive was present in “My Computer” before the re-installation. I went into “Disk Management” and the drive is present, it shows that it is “Healthy (Active)”. When I right click on the drive, the only options that are allowed are “Help” and “Delete Partition”. How do I get “My Computer to recognize the second hard drive so that I can retrieve the data which is important?

turn off computer ,try removing it from the cable and then reinstall the cable ,reboot

I am attempting to fix a computer that was attacked by a nasty virus. I have recently zeroed the drive to wipe it clean. I am now trying a fresh reinstall of windows XP and the computer will not recognize my hard drive. It also will not recognize my second cd drive. Furthermore, BIOS does not have listed in the IDE Configuration menu. I have had this happen before, but have always managed to fix it in the usual ways. This time I am stumped. Here is a list of things i have tired:

1. Using another hard drive - i have tried other hard drives that i know workand i have had no luck
2. Replace IDE cable - this was a desperate move, it didn't work
3. Runnig the Dell diagnostics disk - it crashed when testing the hardware and it won't run correctly
4. Installing XP - tells me there is no hard drive connected to my computer
5. Wiping drive clean with Knoppix (using another computer)

Just to test the hard drive i installed XP onto it using another computer. The installation was perfect and the hard drive worked fine. I think this computer just hates me.

Hi bit of a long shot but have you tried updating / flashing the bios

Hi bit of a long shot but have you tried updating / flashing the bios

lol. a really long shot ,you should reall check the date of post you linked ,
Dec 24th, 2004

yea ok my fault I didnt notice the date on that posting [he's hopefully got it sorted by now]

yea ok my fault I didnt notice the date on that posting [he's hopefully got it sorted by now]

only pointed it out so you would notice dates and not waste your valuble help on really old post ,keep up the helping its much needed here at daniweb

I had this problem occur when an old Gateway P3 was send to me for repair. It didn't recognize the master abd Slave HD's. Bios showed no HD installed. I replaced the HD data cable, since the one used looked kind od old and worn out. Botup the PC and Checked the Bios. HD were now recognized and everythingworked OK again and the problem had not occured since then. So replace the data cable with a new one first.

I am having a problem in that i just bought a brand new motherboard, processor, and memory; but when i go to install windows XP it will not recognoze the hard drive. Anything that I can do?

Replace the HD data cable with a new one and it should solve your problem Dude or Geekester.

I just added new hard drive on my desktop and my computer would not recognize the new hard drive. how do I make it recognize the new hard drive?

first check all cable losing and put them tightly if problem could not resolve then reinstall windows

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