Hello all, just want to tell im new to this forum and dont know alot about computers ;) but anyways here it goes:

I have an old IBM computer from 2002-2003, and a big old screen from the same year, both with alot of problems. It all started 1 ½ year ago with the screen of the computer started flickering, suddenly after some hours the computer freezed and crashed, when i restarted it it started to flicker and freeze again, the screen was like restarting itself, go from black to screen in a flash.. So i asked my dad about it and he said it probely was the video card (its been replaced once). Anyways i took the video card out and started to clean the fan, after a while i put the video card back and it worked again.

About 3-5 months from now the problem started again. The screen would start flicking and now blue lines were all over the screen.
So i took out the video card again and cleaned it but it didnt work, on the second start try it worked again. I noted that the blue lines didnt leave but it didnt bother me.
About 1 month from now (when WOTLK was realesed :D) the problem started again, it started to flickering so i cleaned the video card several time but it didnt work, suddenly one day i just tried the computer and it was fine (blue lines still there). Then it crashed again 1 week from now.
Sometimes i can get the computer running for weeks and months, sometimes the screen wont go on when i start the computer, and sometimes it will go on but the sceen is all messed up or will start flickering and freeze. Ive tried to connect the screen to the "non video card" plugger but the screen wont react with me starting the computer. It should be noted that my other computer from 2006 also had the same problem that the screen didnt connect to the computer.
I dont know what the problem is, it doesnt seem to be the video card.

PS. Sry for the long post, and the bad english

Sounds like a monitor problem since you have a similar problem with two different pc's.

Ive tried with another monitor, same problem ;(

Edit* I am sitting on the computer now and it works. Crashed on the first attempt after some minutes.

You say you tried it on the onboard video connection and nothing happened ,did you remove the video card from the computer when you tried that .

also when you clean video card fan of dust are you also cleaning the processor fan and the power supply fan as well !

yep sounds like the card overheated and permanently damaged it.

I got wierd yellow squares when i overclocked and overheated my card lol

You say you tried it on the onboard video connection and nothing happened ,did you remove the video card from the computer when you tried that .

also when you clean video card fan of dust are you also cleaning the processor fan and the power supply fan as well !

I did not remove the video card, will do that now, thx. I cleaned the processor card but not the powersuply, will do that also.

thx to all

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