Hello, I recently purchased a new graphics card and have now decided to upgrade my computer's memory as well. My PC is a Gateway FX530XM with motherboard model OEMD975XBGG1. With the help of a computer scan by Crucial, I was able to determine that my current memory is DDR PC2-5300. If someone could tell me which types of memory are available to me at the present time, I would be very appreciative. Also, if any more information is needed, I will be glad to provide it.

Many thanks.

4 slots. Each memory slot can hold DDR2 PC2-5300,DDR2 PC2-8500,DDR2 PC2-6400 with a maximum of 2GB per slot. Memory must be installed in matching pairs.

According to crucial (from where i got the infio) yes, that would be fine

Thank you for all the help! It's very appreciated.

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