My G4 titanium is only occassionaly able to read cds, and is not always showing up in the dock when there is an external hd attached. It was running 10.3, but I tried to fix the problem by installing 10.2.8 and it is not able to read any cds now. So I cannot install anything now. I can still boot up from an external hd with ttp and diskwarrior installed but I am told that I cannot repair as this is the start up disc. I have tried repairing permissions from both ext. and int. hds, no luck, and an fsck gives a healthy report. I have restarted from os9 on an external, it starts up but I only see the g4 drive not the os9, otherwise I could have run the disc repair first aid.
I cannot get it onto the internet, I am on my trusty g3 now. And need the g4 for new apps.
I hope someone can help soon,
yours panicking from Kent.
(Connor really)

Hmm... What kind of G3? Does it have FireWire? If so you could hook the two comps up and start the G4 using firewire mode. Then you could at least back your data up, if you don't have it already done. If you're data is backed up you can at least feel comfortable in initializing the drive without fretting over lost stuff.

I don't know what to tell you about fixing the problem though

2 words.. well 1 acronym and 1 word..

PMU Reset.

mm... pmu reset, always yummy. :-)

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