I work at a salon, and am opening my own soon. All my customers names etc are on work computer. Can I just put a disc into the hard drive and copy them?

what software are you using and where is it on the hard drive.

Is it an Apple Mac or a Windows PC please? If it is Windows, which Windows version? As indicated, do you know how to locate the file where the names are stored?

And the crucial question: do you have permission from your boss to pilfer his customer data?
I'd think you're trying to steal from your boss here, that data is not yours for the taking without permission (which would require permission from each individual customer in many countries).
And if you do have permission, your boss likely has means to export the data.

Yes, that too :)


I would be *very* surprised if your present salon would allow you to run with the customer list. That is Intellectual Property of the Salon you are at, and if you do take it, you better get a signed document from the employer that it is alright to so.



I would be *very* surprised if your present salon would allow you to run with the customer list. That is Intellectual Property of the Salon you are at...

With salons in particular, that's not always the case. Instead of hiring people to work as staff employees, salons often have more of a "freelance" relationship with the people who work there: The salon provides work stations (and perhaps equipment) on a rental basis, the individuals who rent the spaces bring their existing client-base with them, the job of "selling themselves" to increase that client-base is their responsibility, and the ownership of info concerning those clients remains in their hands; they are free to take it with them should they decide to move on.

Assuming you are legally entitled to the info, this is what you need to find out.

1. Have you got the required software on your own PC to run the database.
2. How big is the info, if its anywhere approaching 1.3mb you'll need a CD-R which means the work Pc will need a CD writer drive, and you will need a CD-R
3. Have security permissions been set on the work PC that wont allow you to open the stuff on your home PC.

By the sounds of it you haven't asked your boss these questions, and I'm glad to see a high moral responsiblity of fellow forumites, and an impresive knowledge of hair salon law :)

(mental note - don't ask how to hack into that PC that you've forgotton the password for)

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