Hello to everyone...I'm the new guy in need of major help.

There was quite a storm today and when I got home...the screen on the PC was black. I hit the reset button, thinking that it would just boot up and would be well. I built the machine 8 years ago and have updated about everything except motherboard. I now get a black screen...the messages come up real quick and what I've seen is... scanning IDE connections, and a flash of the screen during boot that allows you to press I believe f8 to get into BIOS. There are no beeps when I continuously hit f8 and the BIOS screen comes up for only a second then goes back to black..and Thats it!! It stays black. I took the battery out off the MB for about 5 minutes and didnt help. Please help...I'm lost.

Was your computer on during the storm? If it was on and not connected to a surge protector or power strip, then it's pretty much gone. I don't think this is the case, though, because your power supply clearly isn't fried. Although this doesn't always happen with power surges; it depends on how bad they are...anyway, F8 doesn't usually take you to the BIOS; in general, it's either DELETE or F2. This could be something to try.

I tried Del and f2. Nothing!! The BIOS blue screen comes on for about 1 second...then goes back to black. Is it the motherboard....the CPU?

The monitor light has been on. I pulled the RAM out and turned it back on and the monitor light went orange and stayed orange. No splash screen or nothing. I put the RAM back in, then I got the splash screen and a flash of words saying scanning IDE disks. I also received a disk error statement splashing up for a split second. Hard drive?? Motherboard?? RAM??? HELP!!

Was your computer on during the storm? If it was on and not connected to a surge protector or power strip, then it's pretty much gone. I don't think this is the case, though, because your power supply clearly isn't fried. Although this doesn't always happen with power surges; it depends on how bad they are...anyway, F8 doesn't usually take you to the BIOS; in general, it's either DELETE or F2. This could be something to try.

Yes it was on. Yes..it was connected to a surge protector. I'm lost!!

try to remove all your IDE connections... Integrated Device/Drive Electronics. one by one...first your cdrom cable, next your hdd or cdrw. and try to open again.

hdd?? As in hard drive??

do you mean...dvd r and dvd? Sorry..I know enough to be dangerous, but not enough to be totally effective.

the cable inside try to remove one by one then turn on your pc. Remove the IDE and the power supply for Hard Disk First. From that you will trouble shoot which device having a problem. Don't be afraid to turn-on your pc if you remove the power supply of Hard Disk and the IDE cable.

I disconnected one by one and restarted each time. First DVD R..no change..then DVD...then Floppy..(yes I left it in...don't laugh), then hard drive. No change. Splash screen...black screen...scanning IDE drives...black screen....disk error...blue bios screen (on for 1 second), black screen. Done!! Each thing I disconnected, I pressed eith f2 or DEL. and the bios screed slashes on but doesn't stay.

the cable inside try to remove one by one then turn on your pc. Remove the IDE and the power supply for Hard Disk First. From that you will trouble shoot which device having a problem. Don't be afraid to turn-on your pc if you remove the power supply of Hard Disk and the IDE cable.

I tried disconnecting only the HD IDE cable...not the power supply. I'll try that...will it make a difference?

if you have MODEM remove it maybe it was strike by lightning.

try to remove your memory one by one and clean the pin using eraser . Hold on your metal case before you remove your memory maybe you have static current. or Reset your cmos jumper for 10 seconds don't remove the battery if you remove the battery make sure you connect the negative and positive of it to discharge.

I disconnected the power supply to the HD and no change. This is sounding more and more like a Motherboard. I hope I'm wrong!

I disconnected the power supply to the HD and no change. This is sounding more and more like a Motherboard. I hope I'm wrong!

if you have MODEM remove it.

try to remove your memory one by one and clean the pin using eraser . Hold on your metal case before you remove your memory maybe you have static current. or Reset your cmos jumper for 10 seconds don't remove the battery if you remove the battery make sure you connect the negative and positive of it to discharge.

I already removed RAM. I removed it all at one time however. What is a CMOS jumper?? I'm feeling a little dense at present. I don't think it is the RAM. Keep in mind..this happened after a storm. It was working just perfectly this morning.

I already removed RAM. I removed it all at one time however. What is a CMOS jumper?? I'm feeling a little dense at present. I don't think it is the RAM. Keep in mind..this happened after a storm. It was working just perfectly this morning.

CMOS jumper is near the battery a small piece of plastic with 2 holes in it.

we are after of your BIOS...this should prompt you MISSING OPERATING SYSTEM...when you remove the HDD.

ALSO check your RESET key OR POWER KEY if it is STUCK.....pressing power key in 10 seconds or below will TURN OFF YOUR PC.

I removed modem. No change. Presntly...I have HD, DVDR, DVD & Floppy disconnected and modem removed.

we are after of your BIOS...this should prompt you MISSING OPERATING SYSTEM...when you remove the HDD.

ALSO check your RESET key OR POWER KEY if it is STUCK.....pressing power key in 10 seconds or below will TURN OFF YOUR PC.

The reset and power button are fine and the prompt of Missing operating system is not showing up.

try to return all connection just remove only the modem. tell me what is the result

try to return all connection just remove only the modem. tell me what is the result

Same ol' same ol' Black screen. I turned the computer off and took the green jumper that was on two pins and moved them one pin over..which I assume rests CMOS. Put it back where it was...hooked up all the drives...left modem out. Nothing different.

you know how to check defective power supply ?
in my case I jumper the green cable in XT POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT CABLE and I do the zigzag 3 times. --- we need picture on this of your

if you have spare power supply replace it to your motherboard first.
I think it is your power supply problem.

if you know how to use TESTER check the voltage according to color.



it is not your motherboard problem because it can still read the BIOS as far as my experience is concern.

you know how to check defective power supply ?
in my case I jumper the green cable in XT POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT CABLE and I do the zigzag 3 times. --- we need picture on this of your

if you have spare power supply replace it to your motherboard first.
I think it is your power supply problem.

if you know how to use TESTER check the voltage according to color.

it is not your motherboard problem because it can still read the BIOS as far as my experience is concern.

I have a tester. What do I check?? If the computer is running...what do I check for?? Do I test any one of the plugs coming off the supply? It was a replacement from COMP USA..generic brand. I was looking for the best...they said it didn't matter.


connect by any cable or paper clip the number 1 and 14 in
here's the link http://www.pcguide.com/ref/power/sup/parts.htm
click " Motherboard Power Connectors "

The main ATX/NLX power connector. I repeat connect 1 and 14 that is your POWER SW.


if the FAN ROTATE your power supply is still good.

but if it works for a while...your power supply is condemn


connect by any cable or paper clip the number 1 and 14 in
here's the link http://www.pcguide.com/ref/power/sup/parts.htm
click " Motherboard Power Connectors "

The main ATX/NLX power connector. I repeat connect 1 and 14 that is your POWER SW.


if the FAN ROTATE your power supply is still good.

but if it works for a while...your power supply is condemn

I unplugged the supply from the board...nothing is operating. No fans no nothing. I put the black on the #1 pin and the red on the green #14 oin and got a reading of 4.1 V DC. However...no fans or any sounds..beeps...movement of any kind!!

Do you want me to jump a paper clip from #1 to #14??

I have a tester. What do I check?? If the computer is running...what do I check for?? Do I test any one of the plugs coming off the supply? It was a replacement from COMP USA..generic brand. I was looking for the best...they said it didn't matter.

put your tester in DC no 50V put your black lead into a black color which is ground. and the red to a red cable read the voltage.

Do you want me to jump a paper clip from #1 to #14??

YES! then turn on the POWER. tell me what happen TRUST ME it will not explode. I do it many times.

I jumped the two with a paper clip and the fans work.

I jumped the two with a paper clip and the fans work.

it seems your power supply still good.

check the voltage.....follow the diagram

I will go home first and come back at 2:00pm

good luck!

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