I'm buying a new 64 bit system and am nervous about the availability of drivers for new printers (also buying that) and will all new monitors work with the 64 bit system. In reading the forums, it seems as if there are significant problems if the peripherals are older. Any help appreciated.

64 bit version of what? Both XP and Vista are available in 64bit versions.

The best thing to do is google for 64 bit drivers and get hardware that you can find drivers for.

Sorry, 64 bit version of Vista, hopefully upgradable to Windows 7 in a year or so when bugs worked out.

A good Google is what you need to do.

Thanks! The google advice was great, 'cause I found that the printer and the monitor I am purchasing have 64 bit drivers avalable. You've been very helpful.


Cool! :)

I would think carefully re 64 bit Vista. I returned a 64 bit HP for a 32 bit HP due to the hardware and software incompatabilities. The final straw was the inability to use Google desktop. I was able to force install it but the program would never do the complete file scan which was an absolute necessity.

Sorry, 64 bit version of Vista, hopefully upgradable to Windows 7 in a year or so when bugs worked out.

As an extra, also had same concerns with going x64... been x86 with both XP and Vista. Win7 RC1 x64 runs my hardware better than either of the other OS's put together... has (in my case at least) given flawless hardware handling... even my 7yo CanoScan has no issues.

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