I have been documenting my laptop problem in the Vista forum (ref) but it seems that maybe the problem belongs here. The system is almost dead even though there is a way I can break out of it.

In a nutshell, there is something wrong at the POST stage that causes the machine to cycle on and off. I seems to do one quick read of the drive and then just sits there with the lights on and the screen black. After 20-30 sec it powers itself down and then immediately powers up again. It won't boot off a CD when it is going through its power on - power off cycle. Even though it starts to read the CD, the system powers down before it gets too far.

After enough tries, I can interrupt the loop with the Del key at which point it goes to the HP screen and then boots into windows. Once I'm able to get it started this way, it runs fine (I'm on it now).

Without going into the whole saga, I was able to create an XP system on a new hard disk (on this same laptop) and initiallty it was ok but it eventually had the same startup problem as the Vista system.

I already recreated the boot record just in case it was responsible for the problem. At an earlier point I also swapped out the memory sticks and used another pair (which didn't change anything). The fan is working. I haven't reset the CMOS (yet). I couldn't get the plug out and I was afraid that I would damage it or the mobo if I pulled on it too hard.

Any suggestions as to I can determine what is causing the startup problem?

Right - for all of you out there with HP issues around the DV6000 and I also think the 9000 range is affected.

The issue is beyond your control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The situation is generally due to a faulty NVidia chip which HP is well aware of and there is currently a "Class Action" being persued in the "states" regarding this issue.

You still need to ring HP Technical Services on this issue EVEN IF YOUR WARRANTY HAS EXPIRED.

Certain machines within these ranges have had extended manufacturers warranties applied so even after your normal 1 year warranty or even your extended warranty (if purchased) has expired you COULD still have cover

Possible SHORT TERM solutions have included - taking off the battery, disconnecting from the mains and pressing the power button for anything upto 1 minute - to "discharge the capacitors" within the machine.

Oh and resetting the BIOS.

These solutions have ONLY worked in the very short term from my experience.

The machine requires a NEW MOTHERBOARD - DO NOT PAY FOR IT OUT OF YOUR OWN POCKET - HP need to sort it!!

I hope this helps you all out, we have had 4 machines successfuly repaired and 2 refused - so give it a go

The motherboard was replaced once before the warranty expired. At that time I think it was because the wireless interface died. I will give them a call and see what they say. I think there is a 24 month limit (from original purchase) but I'll give it a try.

Check the CMOS battery also- sometimes when the motherboard is replaced, they give you one off the shelf that's been sitting- or a recycled on that battery was the original.

I had pretty good luck this DV6000/DV9000 issue fixed 3/3 this week. repairing the nVidia controller issue. But it is not something the average computer shop can do.

Here is the latest update.

I left the system running for about a week. All the power saving options were turned off so overnight, it ran with the screen saver on. This morning, the screen-saver crashed and left me with a blank screen except for the Windows bar at the bottom. Finally time to re-boot.

I shut the system down and then I pushed the power button to turn it on. It booted normally. The only mitigating factor that I can think of is that everything was still hot so if there is a connection problem on the motherboard, maybe it is only a problem when everything has cooled down.

I've had the machine running continuously (under Vista) for a month or so. It booted a few times after Windows updates and that worked OK. I tried some restarts and I shut is down and then started it with the power button. That all worked fine. Swapped drives and booted under XP and that was OK too. If the problem is related to a connection problem with the NVidia chip, then I'll probably find out when I shut it down and let it cool off. That's my next step.

I am marking this as Solved even though I don't fully understand why it did what it did. Since I also posted in the Windows forum (since it wasn't clear if it was software or hardware) I put the closing summary there .

There may be a hardware factor in this problem but it still isn't quite clear. When I couldn't get out of hibernate and had to force a re-boot, it would appear that something was then detected in the Post process that wouldn't let it complete. Since the system is now booting correctly (from a normal boot), it would appear that the problem was created by Hibernate or there is some extra checking after a forced shutdown that detected some sort of error (which does not inhibit normal operation and isn't checked on a normal boot). This is all speculation. If anyone understands the details of what Post is doing it would be interesting to get a real understanding. Since Hibernate and Sleep seemed to trigger the sequence, I have them turned off and I'll do without them.

A bit of additional info.

I don't know if this was the original problem or not. When I fired up the machine this AM, it seemed to go into the same Post loop I had originally. I tried the (XP) Windows CD and when I tried the repair option it told me it couldn't find a hard disk. I could hear the hard disk turn but maybe something wasn't connecting right. I took out the disk, fiddled with the adaptor and then put it back in. The machine then booted up normally. Was this the problem all along? Don't know but if I get the same symptoms again, reseating the hard drive will be my first action.

Chrisea: I seems it may be related to the ACPI (power section) of the unit. This too is one of the common problems with the DV2k,6k,9k and CPQ V3000/6000 series. Along with the No Video and WiFi. What I can tell you is that it is related to the nVidia chipset. I am not sure if on the Graphics or the PCI chipset, because the last time I solved it (or thought) I had reflowed both BGA chips. Rather than doing one, testing then doing the other. Speed was of essence in getting that unit out. It came back, with WIFI shutting off, and Sleep/Wake/Hibernate issue.

New posts are added regularly for HP Boot Problems because it seems to be a pretty widespread problem. I am using a bypass to get around the problem and this may work for others as well.

In the end I think that I have the same problem that many other people have with HP Laptops not booting. It is claimed that it is caused by a problem with the NVIDIA chip and there is even a class-action suit being assembled for it. I thought that the seating of the hard drive was part of the problem but now I don't think it played any significant part in it.

I am still using my machine because I was able to find a bypass. I documented my experience and the bypass on my site. Click here to see it.

Note: I originally posted this problem in the Windows Vista forum so I posted this final comment on both.

That is also one of the issues related to the DV Series. Since many of the components are on a VLSI circuit many sections can fail. The failed video on a number of DV Series is related to the nVidia Video controller. The failed SATA and Network is related to the nVidia PCI Controller.

I had some free time last weekend and removed a BGA nVidia video chip. And what I found is that the chip itself has oxidation on the connectors (BGA Solderball pads) This is usually caused by:
1: poor packaging leaving the factory. Salt air or just plain air is oxidizing on the pads.
2: poor temperature controls during the manufacturing process. Uneven heat on standard chips, and uneven pressure on BGA.

My suggestion to nVidia is to pack those chips leaving the factory in nitrogen sealed boxes. Before transporting them from Malaysia to China or Taiwan where most of the HannStar motherboards are fabricated.

A BGA reflow can correct most of the PCI or Video Controller issues

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