I have one HD of data with 120GB and I have another HD thats

completely clean with 20GB.

I want to merge both of them into one single Unit.

Can Windows do it? How? I want to do this the easiest way.

Thanks in advance.

I have one HD of data with 120GB and I have another HD thats

completely clean with 20GB.

I want to merge both of them into one single Unit.

Can Windows do it? How? I want to do this the easiest way.

Thanks in advance.


I'm not sure it can be done but I would say it is better to have the units separate incase one fails. I would use the 20GB HDD for files that you don't want too lose. I store videos and music on my other drive just in case.

Have to concur. I have heard of ways to merge, but been a while so you'd have to Google search it.

Not advisable though - anything which crashed one drive would take both out at same time, so a really bad option

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