when I press my power button 3 or 4 time (on off) or some time more then display show in monitor. when I press 1st time then the pc start but no display show in monitor. when I off it and then again on it ( 3 or 4 time I did it) then display show. but pc not start normally. it show a display like:
press F1 to run setup
prss F2 to start default operating system
and show with other more thing.
when I press F2 then windows start normally. now what I need to do?

Is it a PC or a laptop?

desktop pc

try turning monitor on after you turn on the tower

When the system indicates to press F2 to continue then it must be the problem with the battery in the motherboard you can change the battery which is called CR2032, then the probelm must be solved for you.

I change the bettery. but the problem not solve. one thing I unpluged all thing (motherboard, hard drive,all all) from casing and put it another place. then I start it manually ( i connect the two pin of start...) then it start 1st time. no need to connect it 1 more what I said above. plz help me.

If it works correctly outside the case, it may possibly be the on/off button/switch that is in the case.
You may have to try putting everything back in to the case and try it again.
Can you get a new switch for the case?

If it works correctly outside the case, it may possibly be the on/off button/switch that is in the case.
You may have to try putting everything back in to the case and try it again.
Can you get a new switch for the case?

no. another thing what about "press f2".

no. another thing what about "press f2".

f2 is bypassing any bios/setup errors ,hit f1 and run setup/bios ,make sure time and date are correct ,set bios to defaults,save changes and reboot

in bios the date and time are not ok. i change it many time but some it show correctly some time not. from yesterday when I connect the power pin manually it occurred same porblem again. (when I connect it two or three time then start)

i want insert the calendar how can i do please help me

how can insert the calendar

how can insert the calendar

hi, first you should start your own thread with a whole lot more info as to what you want to do , insert what calander where !this thread is about the power switch problem

I buy a new hard drive. not the problem was solve (press one more). but the page (press F1) not removed. when i run my pc it show. but I change my battery.

try turning monitor on after you turn on the tower

but not solve it. any more Idea for it? Please ...............

It sounds like you may have a faulty motherboard. Have a very close look at all of the can shaped capacitors on it for any that have the tops bulged out, split, or leaking. If you find one or more capacitor like it then they will need to be replaced. For a replacement, the capacitance needs to be the same or a little (but not too much) higher and the same goes for the voltage maximum. The capacitance and the voltage will be printed on the capacitors!

I think it is difficult to change for me. I am not expert on it. what you suggest me, I need to go repair it? another thing I don't tress this capacitor what you said.

If you can't do it yourself then a repair shop is the way to go I'd say!

It's a shame you aren't near me as I have my own computer repair shop!

I attach my motherboard picture. can you tell me which capacitor?

I attach my motherboard picture. can you tell me which capacitor?

if it had leaky /bad caps you would be able to see them yourself,
the ones i circled affect cpu the most ,

I checked it. but all capacitors are ok.

I too repair [at home] computer ,and would have tried a new power supply in it a long time ago if it were in my shop

I check all hardware (one by one) in another pc. every thing is ok. my graphics card is external. in another pc the graphics card was internal. so I could not check my graphics card. can you tell me did the graphics card make this problem.
another thing when I plug the agp card in another pc a sound occurred in cooling fan. when I unplug and connect the monitor the built in agp card the sound was stop.
one more thing: some time when I start the pc it was start and a few second after it restart and when I want to shutdown it manually by power button it not shutdown. why please?

If you have a digital volt meter then you need to test the voltages of your power supply! I am sure that you will find 1 or more of them either low or unstable!

i buy a new motherboard. now all ok.

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