i have just installed a new gh22l/np20. add new hardware says "the the drivers are installed but windows cannot find the hardware." can you help me?

Is it Sata or IDE? If IDE, do you have more than one installed? If so, you need to set one as master and one as slave.
Make sure you have power connected correctly.

Is it Sata or IDE? If IDE, do you have more than one installed? If so, you need to set one as master and one as slave.
Make sure you have power connected correctly.

Its ide, I only have one installed. The old one just stopped working
so I replaced it with a new one. It will not read the installation disc
either.I have tried several ways but nothing works. Thank you for
your help,but I need more. KS

It will not read the installation disc

As stated above, first make sure jumper pin is set just like it was in the old drive (either not present, or in the same pin location).

Trying to install a disk drive that you need to read the installation files from is tricky, especially if you have no alternative method to get those files onto the computer.

A method to get those files into your computer:
Go here. The page is not in English, but that doesn't matter, just scroll down and find the rapid share links, and download them all to your PC. Then extract the .rar files and run that installation disk right from the hard drive instead of the disk drive.

Once the installation disk is installed if it still wont read the drive you may need to restart (not reboot) the machine. If still no luck, in some cases, you may also need to open device manger, find the drive and populate it.

Hope that gets you going :)

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