HiFolks.I have a problem with a G3 power Mac.I bought a Quicktake Camera 150. I installed the soft ware ok.Every time I try to connect to camera diolog box comes up not enough memory to connect. On the apple menu It says
Built in memory 128mb. Vitual memory 129.Largest unused block 111.2mb.
Mac os 16.9mb Spell catcher 1.3mb.Can you help.Regards Norm Stewart.

1) Turn off virtual memory. (Memory Control Panel)

2) If it's trying to start a particular application, you may have to give that application more memory. Click the application once, do a Get Info, go to Memory, and increase it's preferred memory requirement to double what it's currently set for.

Many thanks Yellow. I will give it a try.Regards.Norm.


You did not mention what OS you had working with you, but Virtual Memory is important to have enabled, or you will loose a lot of RAM to the System.

Remember that in the OS 8 & 9 Days, that if you enabled VM, the system could swap information in and out as necessary too... and if you disabled VM, you would loose a chunk of RAM to the system. Ways around this were to use Apple's VM control, or to use a program like RamDoubler to get the VM going without some of the side effects.

I would turn off VM, and if you have a disk defragmenter / optimizer, I would run that, and then turn VM back on.


This is not something I have ever encountered on <= OS9 systems. In all instances, having VM on severely reduced the speed of the overall OS beacuse the OS was wasting time swapping to the disk. In this instance, the poster still has the default memory settings, a whopping 1MB of swapped RAM. IMO, not worth the performance hit. Plus, there was a small scattering of apps that wouldn't work with VM turned on, hopefully not in this case.

This is not something I have ever encountered on <= OS9 systems. In all instances, having VM on severely reduced the speed of the overall OS beacuse the OS was wasting time swapping to the disk. In this instance, the poster still has the default memory settings, a whopping 1MB of swapped RAM. IMO, not worth the performance hit. Plus, there was a small scattering of apps that wouldn't work with VM turned on, hopefully not in this case.

Hi I tried what you said but no go.Dialog comes up for camera. Click connect camera. Up comes not enough memory. The Mac is a G3 os 8.6. Thanks for help I will just have to keep trying.Regads Norm.

Hi KcOarf. Many thanks for your help. I have tried many things but get the same nec results. The computer is Mac G3 os 8.6.1 RE Memory.

Just to make sure, does the software for the camera list 8.6 as a supported OS?

Just to make sure, does the software for the camera list 8.6 as a supported OS?

Hello again. You may have a point about the software. I have very little info on the camera.There was no manual with it. I did get some info of the net but some thing must be missing.It is a QuickTake digital 150. May be I am not connecting correctly.I am running Adobe Photoshop but cannot bring up PhotoFlash which is in the soft ware. Many thanks for help upto now.
Regards Norm.

Hi yellow. The soft ware for camera which is Macintosh PhotoFlash states Mac 7 system or later.Mine is OS 8.6 G3. May be I need 7 system folder? What do you think. This Camers is driving me nuts.Regards Norm

Hi yellow. The soft ware for camera which is Macintosh PhotoFlash states Mac 7 system or later.Mine is OS 8.6 G3. May be I need 7 system folder? What do you think. This Camers is driving me nuts.Regards Norm

You definitely don't need System 7. Have you tried calling the manufacturer for support?

Or an updated driver? It's been quite a long time since I used/supported System 7.x or OS 8.x. I don't remember if virtual memory exsited in System 7. It could be that it didn't and the addition of that is something the drivers weren't written to cope with.

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