Hi can any one please help in solving this problem. I am getting fed up with this PC. It keeps on restart with out reason. I formatted it many times and i did every thing but no use. Some times it runs normally with out any problem. and some times keeps on troubling me. Kindly let me know what to do?

1. have you any anti virus? if not please scan your pc with update antivirus.
2. check your cooling fan. does it become hot so quick? if yes, please check it for cool.
3. plz check your ram.

i did the above three...but no use

if at all there is any problem of cooling fan it should show some error while PC gets restarted right...like due to over heat system got restarted...but its not showing any kinda error. and i replaced with a new RAM also. i formatted my PC too many times so there is no chance of virus...i even have anti_virus for my PC

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