
I have Upgraded 2 GB Ram, But In MY COMPUTER Properties & SYSTEM INFORMATION Its reflecting only 512 MB. I tried refixing the RAM's but notworking & checked the Other working system RAM's it shows 512 Only,can some one suggest the Solution.

You are going to give us more information. Give us a full system spec.

the motherboard model number and brand/make is most important. You motherboard may not support anymore.

Do you notice the amount of RAM during POST? (you may have to press something like ESC or tab as soon as you turn your pc on)

sometimes doing a bios flash helps. Go to your motherboard/manufacturer and download and install the latest bios update.

sometimes doing a bios flash helps. Go to your motherboard/manufacturer and download and install the latest bios update.

i would hold off on that for now ,do as Xlphos says first ,flash as a last resort because if you flash wrong you will be looking for new board or bios chip

Are You using 32bit OS and is it the second ram you are installing then in 32 bit os there are limitations in detecting ram, if your bios detects the rams or ram if you have only one then there is a problem.

if all the things in bios is correct, are u using a 64bit os if not, change to it

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