i replaced the sata hd in my gateway, vista laptop with a new one - all i did was install it. i need to install windows on the new hard drive, obviously. but when i start up the laptop, i get a blank black screen with the words 'operating system not found'.

i have googled this for hours and come up with nothing. nothing helps. please, someone help me. this is a $98 hard drive that i just purchased - thats including $18 shipping - i honestly can not bear to ship it back for a new one = another 36 bucks, as all the sites suggest that it is a dead drive. what do i do??

thanks all for your help. not sure if this is important but - under my BIOS it says, optical drive: none.

plz comfirm the hard drive dedection .if hard drive dedect install a fresh windows. so 1stly u need to confirm the hard drive is ok with partition.

Thanks. How do I confirm hard drive detection?

Thanks. How do I confirm hard drive detection?

check it in bios. another thing: check partition with boot able disk.

thanks you guys. but can you please explain step by step how to do the above? im sorry, im new to BIOS and hard drives and dont know what to do. thank you.

plz press 'del' or f1/f2 button after starting the pc to go to bois. another think do u know command prompt? ok no necessary. if u insert xp cd then u see the partition. other way insert a 98 cd. and then go ahead and then write like:

'for enter in to c drive
'see in the c drive

thanks so much everyone. i figured it out - there is a problem with either my cd drive or the installation cd, bc my boot options were cd first and then hdd. it went straight to hdd, even when i had unscrewed the hard drive - and then came up with "no os found", bc it is a blank hd that i am trying to install windows on. basically, prob is with cd drive or cd and not the hd. now i have to figure out how get cd drive recognized in bios...

ok. plz mark it as solve.

ok how do i do that?

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thanks bob

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