When I try to power on, the cd and dvd flicker but no power on. I then turn it off and wait a while, try several times and it turns on. Power supply?

hI ,
Is mostlikely the PSU ..but.. before you run off & buy a new one.. do some basic troubleshooting first.

I just re-powered my computer with a 500 watt supply and I'm having the same problem...someone said I might have over powered it?

doubtfull that you overpowered it, is the fan on the PSU running?

When I try to power on, the cd and dvd flicker but no power on. I then turn it off and wait a while, try several times and it turns on. Power supply?

Did you check the PSU connection to the Mother board, it can be loose sometimes this causes the computer to misbehave
try checking the RAM to see if its tightly fitted into the slot

if all are okey then may be its a problem with the PSU itself, if you have a spare one try replacing and see if the problem continues.


Hey i have the same problem, my computer just randomly powers off and i cannot turn it back on without flipping the main PSU switch.

If you manage to fix it Mahearn let me know.

I know that it sounds really trivial, but check the power (voltage settings) in the back of your psu. I once heard someone had the 220 European set instead of the 110. Same thing was happening, fans powered up then went back dead...

Also, did you smell any burning smells? Maybe your cpu burnt out? Just a thought. Try taking out a single component and trying, ie your memory then next time try your hd, then try swapping vid card, etc.

Hope this helps,

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