
Shuttle AK32A Motherboard
Kingston 256MB RAM
Maxtor 20GB HDD
Nvidia GeForce MX440
500W PSU
Amd Athlon CPU

It's a custom-built PC, and when I powered it on for the first time, all the fans came on, the HDD's spun, and it seemed to be recieving power. But, I get no POST beep(s), no display or keyboard. HELP!!! :'(

hi,how much custom,did you install the cpu onto the motherboard ,if so did you make sure it had coating of thermal past ,and was making a correct connection
also i would try connecting it all out side the case to make sure its not shorting out in the case some how

This sounds like my issues. It turns on starts up you see windows logo. Then the screen goes black. People say go into safe mode. I can't even do that. I will not allow me to much of anything. I never get to the start menu. If anyone could help me it would truly be appreciated. I only have one computer and I use that for my children homework and homeschool. Thanks guys.

This sounds like my issues. It turns on starts up you see windows logo. Then the screen goes black. People say go into safe mode. I can't even do that. I will not allow me to much of anything. I never get to the start menu. If anyone could help me it would truly be appreciated. I only have one computer and I use that for my children homework and homeschool. Thanks guys.

hi,as forum rules state ,please don't hijack anther persons thread ,it gets to confusing ,,please start you own and tell us about your problem .thanks

are you sure you attached the PC speaker? Not your computer speakers where the sound comes out, but the tiny speaker that connects to the motherboard to beep when it finds problems. Also, make sure your video card is seated properly, and check the monitor cable to make sure it works properly.

Of course, this is all assuming you double checked to make sure the monitor was on!

double check if the ps/2 keyboard and mouse was inserted to their port.(not swapped)

no beeps, no display, no keyboard but the computer turns on..

1. remove your motherboard from the case
2. test your motherboard using a new or known to be working PSU
3. replace processor with a good one, your processor might be broken
4. when all else fail, motherboard is defective.

commented: tnx for the info +0

this is my problem in my computer:

no beeps, no display, no keyboard but the computer turns on..

is there's is other way to fix it... some one help me email me here..yure_23@yahoo.com

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