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My computer overheats whenever I do something processor intensive. I was wondering if a notebook cooler actually works, and which one to get.

sorry but i need to know does it overheat when you place it on your lap or on the table.

One of the laptops I worked on usually overheated when I placed it on the Lap but not on a table or some other flat surfaces, the reasona was the placement of the CPU fan, it faced downwards and when the laptop was placeede on the lap I discovered that my legs were blocking the path for the fan.

But if yours is a different kind then a notebook cooler can work, i believe any of the available brands can work (or if you got lots of bucks you could get the expensive one for more confort)

am out

I use one on my Dell Latitudes and they seem to help.
I dont notice much draw on the batteries / usb plug...
If you are having a problem with heat then the $20- $30 is probably worth it.

Just keeping the bottom vents clear will help, but the intakes always seem to be where you balance them on your lap...

Thanks for the replies. I've tried proping it up with books to help the air flow, but that didn't help at all. It doesn't matter where I place the compter, on my lap, or on a table, it still does it. It's really bad. The lag will happen for about 10 mintues then it will be normal again for about 15 and go back to the lag. It's normally VERY hot around the RAM compartment.

My computer is a Dell Inspiron 600m 512mb RAM

If a cooler is the best way to go, then is there a specific brand or a specific model you guys recommend?

Thanks guys.

that isnt too normal and it maybe something wrong with your computer. 600m is a newer model. is it under warrenty? if so you might wanna contact dell about it and see if they can do something for you (hopefully free). They usually are really good, they are nice people at dell.

Thanks for the replies. I've tried proping it up with books to help the air flow, but that didn't help at all. It doesn't matter where I place the compter, on my lap, or on a table, it still does it. It's really bad. The lag will happen for about 10 mintues then it will be normal again for about 15 and go back to the lag. It's normally VERY hot around the RAM compartment.

My computer is a Dell Inspiron 600m 512mb RAM

If a cooler is the best way to go, then is there a specific brand or a specific model you guys recommend?

Thanks guys.

Crap, I was hoping that wasn't the case. I think something is wrong too. It NEVER did this in the start, but the computer just ran out of warranty about a month ago. I know the dell people are nice because they've already replaced a bad screen on this baby.

id give them a call...they seriously might warrent you it still. I have heard this as a common problem amoung toshiba laptops and they fix them free of charge. Im guessing something went bad on your cooling of the cpu (heatsink fell off or fan is broken etc) good luck!

Does anyone set their notebook in the power settings to go into hybernation when the screen is closed and then store the laptop in it's bag for quick turnon when you get to say your destination in front of a client to save time? Is this a bad practice. Does any parrt of the notebook stay on that it would cause an overheating inside of a notebook bag that would cause damage to the parts from overheating?

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