This morning my computer just stopped working - I turned it on and the screen wouldn't light up - it just said "No signal"! It was working fine last night - I'm not sure what's wrong with it. The power button on my computer won't even light up anymore either.

The only thing that I can see is working is the fan and I can open and close the CD-ROM drives, but that's about it! I've had my computer for about 9 months now...

I have Windows XP (not Service Pack 2, though - I've been meaning to install it for a while but I haven't gotten around to it), an ASUS P4S800-MX motherboard and a nVidia GeForce FX 6200 video card. Oh and I also have a Pentium 4 3.0GHZ CPU.

I tried resetting the CMOS (like it said to do on the ASUS website) but that hasn't worked, and I've also plugged in another monitor to see if my monitor was the problem, but that monitor didnt work either.

I'd really REALLY appreciate some help - this is driving me up the wall, and I don't want to have to use my laptop forever! Thank-you in advance!! :)

Make sure the ram hasnt been knocked out.

No it hasn't been knocked out I've removed it and put it back in twice and it's clicked in.

Try replacing your RAM modules and see if it helps. It's also possible the mobo might have blown. A power fluctuation may have killed it. If so, you need a new one

Try replacing your RAM modules and see if it helps. It's also possible the mobo might have blown. A power fluctuation may have killed it. If so, you need a new one

no video signal is what it says when the moniter doesnt think its connected to the graphics card (or motherboard for integrated) depending on your setup. Anyways that is where i would look into, ram wouldnt be the problem but graphics card if you have one or motherboard if you dont. hope that helps, chris

nizzy is heading in the right path to help you. You should tell us if everything else seems to be fine. If you hear one single beep after pressing the power switch, it means the computer starts fine and everything should be well connected. However, there aren't any beep sequence for faulty vga port so it might be that. But before jumpinmg to conclusions, you should try troubleshooting it by making sure the monitor is well connected, trying another monitor and trying your current monitor on another computer (your laptop would be fine).

have you tried to take the battery out and back in?

this happens alot with one of my computers
depending what motherboard you have:

get a torch and shine it near the IDE pins and look for the writing "PASSWORD DISPLAY" there should be a couple of jumpers near it ---pull them out and put them back

hope it helps

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