Heres the problem:

When i turn on my computer and the monitor like always, it says "no signal input" on the monitor and the light goes orange. and After a while the computer restarts itself. over and over again, no beeps. I tried checking the wires and cleaning my computer.. but the same thing happened.

Can someone tell me whats wrong and how i could fix this problem.

What did you do on the computer the last time it was used successfully? Did you download any programs? Did it behave normally?
What OS are you using?
All sorts of seemingly unimportant background information gives help in suggesting how to attend to your problem.
As a starter. I would suggest that you unplug your computer from the electricity for 20 seconds, then try to re-start it, pressing rapidly on the f8 key while it tries to boot--that might open up a menu for you to try following.

Heres the problem:

Can someone tell me whats wrong and how i could fix this problem.

It mostly sounds like a hardware error. Please list you computer model, as well as monitor model, and tell us the make of your video card. Does the computer finish the bios startup routine or do you here TWO beeps when starting up? What version of operating system do you use? I have had this problem a time or two over the years and it is quite easy to fix. But with so little information to go on, I don't know if I can help much. MY first guess would be a faulty video card, or the video card is not fully seated in the slot. If you provide some information for me to go on, I will be more than happy to assist you in any way....

Do try more experiment otherwise it will go blow up take your computer to a service center and fix the problem.

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