
I am facing a strange problem.

One of my friend's machine was not working fine. I went to his place to check the error, but the Win XP in his system was just not ready to startup. So I decided to Repair / Format his HDD.

The machine was reading the Bootable disc too slowly, at times it would hang up.

When I connected the HDD to my own computer to format it, the Bootable disc was working fine. I formatted the Windows partition and installed fresh XP.

Now when the HDD is again connected to my friend's place, it says "NTLDR is missing, press CTRL ALT DEL to restart". I tried to load Bootable disc again on his PC, but the PC keeps on giving 'xxxx file missing' errors on the CD.

How can I solve this problem? Is this HDD problem? And why cant his CD Rom read files from my CD?



..hi there!..try to replace or swap both a new cables(IDE or SATA) to his old cables of his HDD and CD-ROM...check his/her CD-ROM with your PC..If the issue still continues, i think the problem is with his/her CD-ROM drive, replace it with a new one..i hope it helps!..^_^..

commented: Thanks a lot! :) +2

it is very common problem who are use xp.some time virus attack the computer and it shown this kind of problem.

spammer that makes no sense ,this is a fresh install of xp.

you cant install winxp on one computer and move it to another because of chipset drivers and such being different ,and i agree with other poster that the problem is the cdrom drive

The problem was that, I installed XP in my friend's HDD while my own HDD was still connected. So some of the files were not re-created on the new HDD as the setup found them already in old. I know it sounds confusing, but the HDD stopped working when I removed my own HDD.

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