I have an IBM T22 My screen has dust all over it but what can I use to clean it? I know some laptops if you touch the screen you'll ruin it. just wondering because the dust is really annoying me. thanks

I have an IBM T22 My screen has dust all over it but what can I use to clean it? I know some laptops if you touch the screen you'll ruin it. just wondering because the dust is really annoying me. thanks

Windex is fine for the cleaner, but in order to avoid scratches, use a clean cloth (like an old cotton t-shirt or cheesecloth) rather than a paper towel -- paper is abrasive. If the screen is already scratched up a bit, a good plastic polish like Gel-Gloss can fill in some scuffs.

Well, I have always been told never to use ammonia or alchohol based cleaners like Windex. However, I've never tried it myself just told this. I do used a cleaner called Klear Screen which is good to use on ANY screen type. It is a polymer based cleaner without any alchohol or ammonia and leaves the nicest anti-static protected coating. I can't live without it tell you the truth. Klear Screen also comes with the best no lint cloths I've ever used. I also clean my CDs and DVDs with it. that protective coating is the key. I think I bought it for $7 at Frye's.

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Vineger (white) and Newspaper. Newspaper WILL NOT scratch glass no matter what anyone says...apply the vinegar to the newspaper and use the newspaper wiping in one direction to take off any marks. I've done this hundereds of times with my 21" monitor with no probs yet.

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