i mistakenly formatted my hard drive partition and for that matter lost all of my very important data. could there be any way i can recover these data from the formatted hard drive. please help.thank u

it is easy by downloading icare recovery software it's working try with this

i check it but some files does not recover

these file are very impotent.

try using 'AZD mini power tool' . Its d best so far.

hello everyone and "tomson1759"

i search in Google and asking our friends and service provider

i can't find it. have you any link about it.

how are you doing the recovery? for best results, take the hard drive out and hook it up to another computer via a usb-sata/ide cable. then run recuva on it.

i check its features.

i will share result after using it.

the original poster have not come back and post whether our suggestions work. So we can stop giving him advise until he come back and tell us his progress. If it does not work, we can assk him to try out other recovery software. Thanks for the effort everyone

Recuva is the best option unless you know what deep scan means and how it works. For even harder recoveries you can try Hiren BOOT CD. It comes with a lot of tools for your hard drive. Be assured that once you have some other data saved/stored in the same place where you are trying to recover, you'll not find it.

When you format your drive it can be either a "quick" format, or a "full" format. A quick format just rewrites the root file system stuff, so your data is still there and can be recovered with some of the tools mentioned. If it was a full format, then the entire disc was overwritten, which means that it will be a lot more difficult to recover. Not impossible, but not for a normal user with normal tools. It would have to go to a certified data recovery service who will probably disassemble the drive in a clean room and then use special hardware and software to read the latent data (magnetic domains) on the drive that were not completely erased by the format command. To erase a drive to where data is completely unrecoverable, you have to overwrite it several times with different bit patterns. There is a US federal standard for this, to erase sensitive data, and there are applications available (data shredders) that will do that when formatting a drive, or erasing files.

In any case, if you did a quick format, the mentioned tools can probably restore most of your data. If you did a full format, you will have to spend a fair amount of $$ to recover it via a certified data recovery service. I doubt that you "shredded" it, so there is at least that to be thankful for... :-)

Nice advise rubberman but take note that the original poster have not come back for a long long time and update his progress. We can stop giving him advise for the time being otherwise it will flood up the whole thread. Thanks everyone for your help.

Nice advise rubberman but take note that the original poster have not come back for a long long time and update his progress. We can stop giving him advise for the time being otherwise it will flood up the whole thread. Thanks everyone for your help.

Yeah, they do do that, don't they? Not replying with progress so the thread can be closed... :rolleyes: Oh well.

Formatting won't make the data on a hard drive erase permanently.All your data is still stored on the hard drive, they're just invisible or inaccessible.
You can recover your lost data with data recovery program.I have succeed to recover data fron formatted external hard drive with Tenorshare Data Recovery.Give it a shot!
By the way,almost all data recovery software can give you a trial version to scan your hard drive for free and preview whether your data can be recovered.They will show you the file name,type,date and size of your files and thumbnails for your pictures that it found on your drive.Then you can check out which is the best one.

you need recovery softwares

download a new version of recovery software. by this recover ur data from HHD

Hello Dear Sir,
        Please Use this software "Getmydataback for ntfs"

It is easy to recover data by using Power Data Recovery.

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