My dvd rom doesnt read dvds but reads cds What could be the problem If anyone has solved this problem Please Advice!!!

My dvd rom doesnt read dvds but reads cds What could be the problem If anyone has solved this problem Please Advice!!!

hi there

could be one of a number of problems here...

1. type and speed of disc. a lot of discs dont like some writers and their speeds. this is also common with cd writers as i have discovered many times. just because a disc might say maximum read/write speed 48x etc it doesn't mean to say that it will read/write at that speed. your best port of call is to try and set the read/write speed as low as possible and see if it will read a dvd at that lowest speed.

2. software issues. maybe a corrupted or outdated software version. try uninstalling and reinstalling the supplied software and see if this might have any effect.

there are more things it could be... these are the most common things that i have found:)

umm also, it could be a failing pick up lens. If the device is under warranty, get it replaced.

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