when i start my hp pc p6040in with windows vista home basic, it shows me a blank screen with message Err1Err2 and after pressing enter it shows me message DISK BOOT FAILURE.INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER........also i am unable to start system recovery option.

i have tried replugging the hard disk connections and changing the the sata port connection of hard drive to mother board.

any solution or idea..?

Source Microsoft.com


Run the diagnostics and the other utilities I posted.


From the COMMAND prompt of your Boot Disk run these (you can run them in windows however they are
more efficient from the boot disk prompt so I will list both ways).

Command Prompt of a Boot Disk

chkdsk /f /r


sfc /scannow



Inside Windows - Regular or Safe Mode

Run checkdisk - schedule it to run at next start and then Apply OK your way out then restart.

How to Run Check Disk at Startup in Vista

Start - type in Search box - COMMAND find at top of list - RIGHT CLICK - RUN AS ADMIN

sfc /scannow

How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program
generates in Windows Vista cbs.log


BACKUP your data NOW!

Good luck.

it means that the hardisk drive didn't detect in the BIOS, try other cable for your HDD or new PSU,, restart the machine hope it works...

@ savis1.....since hard disk is not detected by BIOS so i cannt start any windows or dos utility and thats why i am unable to run any dignostic tool and also my computer came with hp hardware dignostic tool which is also not working properly.

@ savis1.....since hard disk is not detected by BIOS so i cannt start any windows or dos utility and thats why i am unable to run any dignostic tool and also my computer came with hp hardware dignostic tool which is also not working properly.

You can boot a Linux rescue CD/DVD and see if the drive is accessible or not. If not, then either the drive or the controller are fubar. If it is visible with the "fdisk -l" command, then it may be than something has munged the boot loader. There are several ways to fix that, including MS tools to restore the MBR (master boot record).

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